
At those speeds shouldn't the windows be closed for better aerodynamics?

I miss Jason Bernard. Mark Hamill as Maniac would have be incredible.

It would have been totally fun to lug a sack of pennies and knock over as much shit as I can on the way out.

Sense of humor yes, but do the world a favor since you have the ability to reach out to a larger audience than I can with a single reply. Put some effort into any article and not just 'fuck some place'

Are we done with the panicky ignorance and start researching the science behind it?

Is that the same speed that hit Sharrif in Gravity?

Only when Bill Murray is tired of being awesome and wants to end it all will he eat this burger.

Isn't this Texas? He had full right to shoot them but probably be arrested for being black.

Maybe the X-32 was the better choice after all.

The Lannisters would make Beverly Hills their seat of power. With detestable people like the Kardashians they'd fit right in.


I think being educated on the symptoms of mental health might be an issue when you see low rates of depression in minimally educated careers like heavy construction. Or their so overworked due to the demanding hours.

Is there any useful examples of this material?

To-may-to to-mah-to, We're getting into technicalities, the majority of their fleet or future fleet will be white. The heat reflection is a good enough answer.

Why are all NASA spaceships white?

Why is the Rainbow guys using the hostage as a shield. Hopefully that'll be corrected.

Can they make a powerpoint about the 13 deaths involved?

Does he still get paid? What if a new pilot isn't in their budget?

I love how his feet dragged as if he grabbed on for dear life action hero style.

I hope they realize that firing an RPG inside a vehicle will deafen or even kill everyone inside.