
I used to play a lot of Diablo 2 online. They had a bot problem. A big one. You couldn’t start a game without a bot popping in, dropping an advert in global chat, and exiting immediately. So they put in a system where if you entered and exited games too fast, you’d get a time out lock for an hour or something.

“It’s just supply and demand bro” yeah cool. You’re still a twat if you do this stuff.

I think the point is that these shops need to be flexible in their site design to stick captchas in unexpectedly during hot product launches. The bots and scripts all rely on the sites being laid out in a particular way. Changing it up would definitely screw with them.

I was just having a quick look at Maelon’s mission to remind myself of all this and I think it’s the speaker there who’s on their soapbox giving the “death to all those who wronged us” spiel I was thinking of (they’re there no matter what decisions you make, it sounds like), but like I say, it’s been quite a long time.

Eh, I was making the joke that out of the ~150 comments here, only one contained anything that could be mistaken for positivity. It probably missed the mark though, that’s on me.

I honestly thought they’d got the message at this point, this is the worst example that I’ve seen in quite a while.

I knew if I scrolled far enough, I’d see someone manage to say something faintly positive about this.

curing an entire race or dooming it to slow genocide

I linked a dozen articles from the games industry with titles like “exclusives aren’t selling systems anymore”.

As someone who didn’t play Other M, this provided the context I needed, thanks.

For some reason I can’t see your last reply to me.

and no, they don’t sell systems

I don’t see them hitting 4K, not in any meaningful sense - they’d need new, powerful hardware, and if they were heading that way I feel like we’d be hearing different rumours. Maybe the new dock supports HDMI 2.1 or whatever and can output a scaled 4K, but that is not the same thing as native 4K.

I remember the year during the peak of the Cube era when they got up on stage with some kind of asymmetric Pac-Man game, and that was their big announcement. You needed a Gamecube and a GBA and a special cable. People were not impressed. I had a Gamecube and a GBA and the damn cable and even I was nonplussed.

It’s an exercise in “the world is precisely as simple as I believe that it is, and I only need pay as much attention to human nature as I care to, because LIBERTY.”

If you’ve got a modded Saturn and a 4MB RAM cart then there’s a hacked version that uses the extra RAM to fix some of the problems:

I tried magic builds a few times over the years, but I’d always drift back to melee. Last time I completed DeS I decided it was time, went all-in on it, and yeah it’s just not really my thing. The levels are a fiddly grind and the bosses are over in a few seconds. I think the final boss literally took two hits. It

I don’t think I described Scholar as unfair, did I? But yes, as a Souls game it does reward cautious play, that’s for sure. It sounds like you played through DS2 with quite a bit of emphasis on ranged attacks, and I imagine that put you in good stead. I tend to play these games mostly light melee and that does make

logically, it would be a damned miracle for older iterations of a game to have more advanced physics and gameplay.

I think I preferred the enemy placement in vanilla DS2. My memory is that there were generally fewer enemies and they’re in more manageable places, whereas a lot of enemy encounters in Scholar are either hidden gotchas, or there are a bunch of enemies descending on you at once which results in a dumb brawl. The game