
“We are investigating a recent incident of intrusion into our network where a limited amount of game source code and related tools were stolen,” an EA spokesperson told Vice of the incident

This does all have a whiff of a witch hunt about it, eh? That said, I wouldn’t hire him.

I wouldn’t assume malice on the part of the contractor, even. When I was doing creative work back in the early 00s I was pretty liberal with my use of asset banks like this, all of which included a licence for free use once you’d purchased the disc itself. Assuming that the licence was in order would be reasonable

we always had a nextstep machine in the house

There was mention of a jury trial in the article, and juries can be convinced of some pretty ridiculous shit.

So I know people scream “FAIR USE!” a lot online, but this is one case where it would actually apply. If schools want to you to write essays about Mickey Mouse, they don’t need to ask Disney for permission, and they can show DVDs of Mickey Mouse to groups of students without needing to apply for a public licence, etc.

Just want you to know that even if I disagreed with you (and I’d like to note that I mostly don’t) I still wouldn’t silently delete your posts. Don’t know if it was you or a mod, but that shit is cowardly.

Yeah this is me on a hot day!

Paul was likely juiced to the gills since this was an exhibition and as far as I can tell had no drug testing of any kind.

No problem! Probably pretty clear that I’ll take any excuse to waffle on about this stuff ;)

Scalpers seem to go for things that are legitimately rare (limited edition Nike trainers) or overwhelmingly popular (PS5s and new GPUs). This doesn’t appear to fit either category there, meaning no disrespect to the developer.

There’ve been a bunch of similar handhelds that do PICO-8 though, right?

It’s an e-ink screen, right? I wonder if they’re using some new low-latency version of the tech, because I’ve owned two e-readers and you can watch the pixels flip themselves in real time on those things, roughly comparable to an LCD from the 90s, like a 486 laptop or something. One is a new one from a month ago with

I remember getting given a cardboard Gamecube slipcase, the DVD inside had videos and assorted promo stuff. No idea what happened to that, either. All this e3 swag is probably quite collectable today, there can’t have been too many of any of these things made and I guess most have been lost to time.

I bet the Wired article on the (literal) crash of Gizmondo is still a pretty entertaining read. A handheld with ties to the Uppsala mafia, yes.

Thirding that sleazy take. Prior to visiting Akihabara in 2012 I must admit I just had no idea how staggeringly vast the market is for anime sleaze in Japan. It’s shop after shop, each with seven floors, every room stacked floor to ceiling with doe-eyed anime porno of one sort or another. And that’s not even getting

I feel like if it was $99 I’d be more willing to gamble on it, but $179+shipping is just a bit too much for a curiosity. It looks neat, though.

I feel like “second worst” doesn’t really mean much when we’re talking about a series as uniformly excellent as Mario Kart.

The paragraph that moony quoted stood out to me too, such a fascinating observation. Really looking forward to more of your Morning Music entries!

Good lord, it’s the best of late-’80s late-night 1995