Alaia Williams

Last week DEFINITELY was

I think it was one of the worst of the season

All she does is give face

Yeah. I don't think they were thinking that, but it would be a good way to go. Fitz is almost out of office, so what happens to the show then? In Latin America, this show would be over by now. But in America, we have to make it drag on as long as possible.

I know we have to suspend our disbelief with TV, but the way they go on on some shows - this one in particular - its a little silly. She only consumes wine and popcorn (and scotch) but is always clear headed and functioning? I'm waiting for the episode where she ends up in the hospital with exhaustion. She exhausts me.

I liked last week when he told her to call Fitz. But then he had to go and let it slip that he probably still loves her (we know he does).

Also, I don't need you to sit down for me to say what I want to say. So most of the time I was just thinking "GET TO IT ALREADY!"

I clearly missed this spanking line

You could have a point there.

No, I wondered for a minute too.

I'm waiting for him to be related somehow

I knew something would happen to Oliver, though my podcast co-host (we talk about TV shows) said nothing would. I think she was in denial. Granted, he may not be dead, but at the very least he was kidnapped and might be held captive for a while - or worse.

I think this was one of the worst episodes of the season. The title of this episode should have been "Take A Seat" because that's all anyone seemed to want.

Exactly. I love listening to them but they are actually one of the few bands/artists I listen to with meaningless lyrics.

I loved Coldplay, though I will say Viva la Vida was the last album I owned and paid any attention to. I think I know one song from Mylo whatever and I have no idea if they've put out another album since. For for those first few albums, I was a hardcore fan.

I love RHCP and never actually really think about this song. But the article made me start to like it less. And then as I kept reading it, I found the whole thing pretty funny. I laughed out loud at the Audi part. And I love Steely Dan. I guess I like dad music.


All of their story lines fizzle out too quickly. That's why I stopped watching. Remember in season one when Hakeem's girlfriend was outed in a blog? They could have let it play out for a bit but she was exposed in a snap. Frank Gathers? Dead in a flash. Jamal's baby mama? Already gone.

Never seen it

I knew I had seen her somewhere other than Law & Order SVU