
the community notes under his tweets are fucking hilarious

Over/under that he’s about to announce the “Muskphone” as a “competitor” to Apple, and said phone will markets itself as “anti-woke” and all employees are required to purchase at full MSRP?

The First Amendment has never permitted fraud and anybody who says it does is probably a defendant in a case they are about to lose.

It’s about fucking time!

I hate how absolutely this triggers every nerd pleasure center in my brain. It looks like it should, the missions seem to make sense, they handle the open world/galaxy smartly, I just want it. 

With the number of Star Wars games that end up as vaporware, I’m not going to believe this exists until the finally releases.

please be good, please be good, please be good

A free market is a place where the market participants have the freedom to operate as they prefer and set their own prices, in contrast to a planned economies.

The free market is companies making a judgment of what is the most profitable action, and taking it.

To be honest, I do want kids seeing people in trenched getting blown up by drones.

Yeah, I was going to say if your YouTube channel content requires you to wear a mask because you don’t want to be identified as the “3D Gun Dude,” none of your arguments why “it’s good actually” are going to fly.

American gun “culture” is a mental illness.

Go be a cunt somewhere else, universalamander.

So ? Youtube (Google) is a private company, not the government. If they want to place limits on video content, they can. Gun nuts who don’t like it can go find another platform, or start their own (or go pound sand). And no, I don’t particularly care if that’s “hard.” Too bad.

Am I the only one that thinks he looks like a lucha libre wrestler?

YouTube doesn’t want to be associated with terrorist-adjacent content. That’s their choice. The free market has spoken.

That’s really strong stuff from a guy too cowardly to show his face.  So brave.

This is fairly predictable, when it’s long been extremely obvious that the only thing that makes gun manufacturers happy is more money in their pockets.

Everyone loves a free market until the free market comes for their gun videos