
A convicted felon, who caused an insurrection, stole nuclear secrets and killed a million Americans.

If there’s one thing scum politicians love, it’s lag. You change monetary policy, such as running the mint’s printing presses full blast—$8 trillion added to the deficit by American Hitler—its effect doesn’t hit till months later. And by then the other political party is in power, but left holding the bag—getting

Yord is one of the issues with the show.

The Jedi are not a monolith

Dammit Hammer, calling cybertrucks cool looking was the dumbest thing you’ve done since trying to disarm that nuclear warhead.

Suspects Successfully Flee From Police

Can’t wait to hear the stories of how criminals evade the cops by simply driving up a mild incline on a dirt road or driving through a running car wash.

They’d look fucking cool, but that’s about it.”

There is not enough bumper for the Cybertruck to do a PIT maneuver.

“Uh, dispatch, we’re gonna have to call off the chase — it’s started to sprinkle and my vehicle is falling apart” **SQUELCH**

This car will be mauling just as many cops as suspects.

Just exactly how much more “hearing him out” is it going to take ffs?

Pfff. That’s gonna require quantum-level computing. With a side of chaos theory. 

It is probably not a coincidence that the legal fights between Disney and Florida faded away and got resolved very soon after deSantis gave up on his Presidential run and no longer had to appear to be Trumpier than Trump.  He’s just another Republican that doesn’t stand for anything and everything he does is just to

Still not going to Florida.

It does my heart good to see this spacecraft finally in space with crew on board.  :-)

Anyone who complains about “our justice system is being weaponized” is just lying. Trump, Giuliani, Pecker, Cohen, all literally admitted to the entire scheme. The evidence of the actual crimes were notes that were taken during meetings planning out the crime. Everyone was up-front about them committing this crime.

Yes. Go on about this magical ‘inflation’ thing that only ever seems to be a problem when right-wing assclowns aren’t in power. Just like how the ‘deficit’ is only ever a problem under the same conditions. Even though both of them consistently get worse when they *are* in power.

It’s all just a weak attempt to cover their support for him and face blowback from people with half a brain that see him for what he really is.