
The shouldn’t have called it the “Giga-Goose”. That sounds like a Tesla built watercraft. Besides, the name Humongoose” was right there.

Imagine the drumstick....

“While the cause of its disappearance remains uncertain”

but I’m really feeling like this victory lap is going to come back to bite people.”

Hopefully, more justice to come for his insurrection and stealing and then selling nuclear secrets.

Wait, we’re putting Buchanan worse than Andrew Johnson? (slide 18)

I typically hate and avoid all of these bullshit slideshows I am totally here for this one.

That Lincoln Project one makes me laugh SO HARD. great stuff.

The one with the Count is my favourite.

Trump will never set foot in the white house again.

We’ll just have to hope that it sours enough middle-right voters to make his chance of winning in November even lower.

I will even accept more slideshows of these.

When I had to approve my sign in this morning

While I am glad that Trump was finally held accountable, I am dismayed that he is not likely to lose support after being convicted.  Our country has taken a dark turn if it is willing to reelect a twice impeached president that fomented an insurrection and tried to steal the presidency.

and in furtherance of that...the universe itself is uncaring...it is a terrible waste of energy for us to be so needlessly cruel to one another.

well, really really really fucking big and really really really fucking old in our time scale. They can rise, fall and rise and fall again, and we’d never know it because it could have happened already before we were even a concept. Or it hasn’t happened yet. Or it’s happening now, but it’s too far away for us to EVER

If intelligent life is common, why haven’t we found any evidence of it?

If we are truly alone in the universe, that means we are truly the most valuable things in the universe. How special and unique all of us that are alive and capable of thought and consciousness truly are. I find that kinda re assuring that in all the universe, nature, god, what ever decided or just happen to mix the