
Apparently Tesla’s FSD was designed the engineers of Sex Panther

So is she a Republican who lives in Florida?  If not, she might as well be.

O.K., I have a related question: I have gone my entire 51 years of life without having an attorney on speed dial. I have of course employed their services when buying a house or doing estate planning, but that’s about it. Am I doing life wrong? Should I always have someone on retainer just in case I do something

Notice the flight attendant was also black.

Seriously - everyone should have learned in kindergarten all you need to successfully make your way through life. The Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

At my home airport, the Spirit gates are directly across the concourse from the American gates. And the difference in clientele is *immediately* apparent. Not to say that “normal” people don’t fly the Yellow Winged Hound to save a buck, but a whole lot more people who fit the stereotype of Methhead Greyhound Rider fly

This idiot does know that the door doesn’t magically slam shut after one person uses it, right? Everyone else can just... Follow you out.

Like, just…don’t be a dick, man. Is that so hard? Goddammit. 

You know what really should be a crime this woman is charged with?

As she was unwilling to help others off of the plane, others decided to help her off the plane.

I love it when sociopaths get arrested.

1-star airlines have 1-star passengers.

Thats true.. But the Media can’t criminally investigate someone, or put charges against them. This is where our Goverment fell down.

Honestly, it’s not just the government, it’s the media. The media made Howard Dean drop out because he showed enthusiasm. The fact that the media is not harping on this constantly shows once again that they are all entirely unsuited for this job.

It’s so frustrating as a Star Trek fan that they insist on continually pushing further into prequels and prequels of prequels. Give us a new crew and a new ship and set it after Nemesis or even Picard. We don’t necessarily need the far future of current Discovery but I have so little interest in seeing the earliest

I don’t know whats more infuriating. Trump getting away with this shit all the time and none of his followers blinking an eye, or the fact that our government since Jan 6th has treated Trump with kid gloves. As its been said many times before, if Trump was anyone else not named ‘Trump’ he would have been in ADX

I’d be curious to know the conditions of the first incident. My first thought for the shown clip is why in the world would he be using an automated system in that poor of visibility.

I cannot believe this junk isn’t forcefully disabled at this point. I mean they recall lettuce for a very small percentage of people getting e coli.

Surprised a Sharpie wasn’t involved...

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