
Has anyone started the head of lettuce timer yet? To see which lasts longer? 

You might want to get a personality, to cure you of your bitter betch issues.

Stupid, Needless, Useless branch of the military whose responsibilities the Air Force was already handily managing prior to its creation. The whole thing, which should be dismantled, was and is a waste of tax payer money for a president who needed constant ego stroking and who ultimately was a traitor to our great

The whole perspective is trash.
First, the cargo bay door on the far side when opened we wouldn’t see it based the on the angle of perspective we see of the “space craft.”
Second, if you look at the “Earth” the artist clearly wanted to paint it as if it was over the Nile river Basin in Egypt. Nice touch, if it wasn’t

SPOILER: They already aborted him.

I have always said, one of the greatest faults of our species is our inability to be pro-active even when we recognize there’s a problem on the horizon. But we are also at our best when we finally get down to solving the problem.

There will be pain, there will be suffering, there will be immigration the likes of which

“(Byron) Donalds is regarded as a rising star in his party...”

I don’t consider standing on the stern of a sinking ship as it goes down “rising,” but ok!?
Perspective is everything I suppose.

We don’t pay NASA nearly enough for all the cool shit they do.

And if it weren’t for greedy corporate movie execs, we’d be watching the Kwisatz Haderach achieve his glory and depose the Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV already! 
(shakes angry fist to the sky)

This whole article reminded me of the movie “Thank You for Smoking” when all the lawyers for the worst lobby groups in the country, sat around a table drinking, arguing about whose product they represent kill the most people.

Does Apple make anything truly innovative anymore? It’s a glorified stylus with Apple branding. 


Also Republicans: Ban Drag Queen, Ban Books, Ban Islam, Ban Gay Marriage, Ban Abortion, Ban Climate Change Legislation, Ban Gender Affirming Care, Ban Free School Lunches, Ban Student Loan Forgiveness, Ban Aide to Ukraine.....

We tired of these people yet?
Vote Blue

The first 2 games were an absolute delight playing, having completed both several times over. I very much look forward to the continued and shared spidey saga. 

I know it’s an astronomical long shot but I’m hoping to see betelgeuse go nova in my lifetime. 

You know, I truly try to engage in civil discourse and hadn’t cursed or called anyone a single name in this thread. So before you go calling me a “fucking child” and putting words in my mouth, maybe you should take some stock in your own thoughts and see why you find them valid before assuming anything about mine.


Some of you act like nothing is ever connected, and that to simply even mention such is some racist ploy taking away some people’s agency. That is not what this is and to say such is to completely miss the point entirely. Yes, Hamas, Iran and Russia all have THEIR own goals, but that doesn’t mean those same goals

Oh I certainly agree that the normalization b/t SA and Israel had a part to do with it also b/c such normalization Iran also perceives to be threat since SA and Iran aren’t exactly friends. 

Everyone else who replied to you disagrees with you.”

Not exactly what I’m seeing but ok. 

On the other hand, splitting Nato and EU support (by getting them to send things to Isreal and maybe decreasing support).”

Thank you. This is what I’ve been trying to convey. I think this is meant as a distraction and to draw military support away from Ukraine. With the recent reporting of ammo stocks already running

So you attack others for offering up plausible ideas on the cause behind this horrific event without offering any yourself? Got it. 

If anyone else wants to have a thoughtful debate on this, I’m all for it.