
Making their own reproductive healthcare decisions, obviously!?

I agree, and am all here for the Republican self inflicted wound of them shooting oneself in the face.

As much as this shutdown is going to hurt. It’s going to hurt Republicans the most and I’m very much ok with that. 

I’m not so sure you can call whatever that was last night a debate. More like children slinging mud at each other, screaming over each other, and seeing whoever can debase themselves more in public.
More proof, the GQP is not a serious political party much less one that is remotely electable by any stretch of the

Like I get that kids help their folks out on farms, but we don’t (or didn’t until Sarah Huckabee) working in factories or bars... at least not since the early 20th century. But I agree that it’s rather odd for these people who talk about “family values” now pushing for child labor laws to be repealed which flies

I for one never thought I would see the day where child labor was again a thing in America. Thank a Republican for kids dying in factories, no longer just their schools!

You’re probably right. I couldn’t bare to look it up b/c the video/audio recording of the whole event still makes me quake in anger to this day. So many people choosing to ignore listening to their better angels and yet have the audacity to call themselves “christian.”

I’ve never heard of the word “tankie” and wouldn’t take anyone seriously who would use it, just as I don’t with people who wine about “woke.”

Remember the old saying, kids:

Tho I would thank Hutchinson for helping provide clarity on the events surrounding J6, I would certainly not be one to invite her to dinner. She was there for many of the worst moments in the Trump presidency and was 100% on board, helping facilitate it all. Good people don’t hitch their wagons to someone who calls

Hutchinson, tho did the right thing in the end, she was still always a Trumper right up to J6 according to excerpts taken from her book. So yeah she was totally on board with allllllllllll the egregious, heinous, disingenuous, fallacious, manipulative, corrupt, immoral things he did prior to that. She’s not a good

It’s unclear if the Trump campaign knew about this connection and chose to go anyway as a fascist wink or if it was pure incompetence.”

Still baffles me how anyone still believes the Republican party is for the “working class.” Esp after Trump’s tax scam totally was a tax hike on the working classes.

It’s a fascinating concept, the line between what qualifies as “living” and what is not. It’s all chemical interactions anyway yet we have defined limits, as we understand them, to what “life” is. Go back far enough in time and the primordial soup we all evolved from wasn’t living, and yet harbored the chemistry to

Republicans continue to lose their own self made culture wars. John Stewart was 100% accurate in his assessment that they start these things b/c “they are all out of ideas on the real problems facing America.”

Racist keyboard warrior middle aged white dudes are upset at actually gainfully employed middle aged whites dudes who don’t have a chip on their shoulder working with a strong independent black woman as their boss.

Elon’s fan club , stay classy!?

Fetterman for President 2028

Don’t call them “pro-birth.” They’re “forced-birth”


Don’t believe a Republican. Nothing they ever say they say in good faith. If he were elected and they passed an abortion ban without exceptions, you can be damned sure he’d sign it all the same. Christians are the worst liars.