
You’d think after all these years of the right wingers face planting over movies based on lies they would learn. Just like the Project Veritas movie a decade ago. Complete fabrication that resulted in actual living people getting shot up at a maternity clinic. “Pro-life” my ass!

It’s sick that this AG is more upset over a Dr doing her job than the fact that a 10 y/o was raped and became pregnant and required travel to seek the medical care just to, hopefully, go back to being a child.

The GQP is sick. 

Yeah Republicans, abortion is so unpopular that clinics now have longer waiting periods b/c of the demand.

What BS? Drag has always been performative, there’s no bs to be had! And yes you are very much wrong, clearly, just based on ALLLLLLLLL the people here clearly articulating why you are wrong. Maybe it’s you, dude.
FYI, drag is protected by the 1st Amendment so it’s not going anywhere. Cry it out, you’ll feel better.

LOL Dude, your “sources” are Youtube and Reddit aka, not sources at all.
You’re a very gullible, clearly miserable, person who instead of just admitting they were wrong and argued out of ignorance, you continue to double down on a false narrative that was spoon fed to you by bad faith actors. It’s sad you can’t just

LOL That’s all you got? A snapshot of a drag queen doing a death drop in what is clearly a dance routine? Do clutch those pearls!?
I’ve seen worse on WWE wrestling matches!

The lady doth protest too much! 

Yeah well when drag shows start to involve molestation, then maybe you’ll have a point. Until then chill out and lighten up.

A better question is why are liberals so adamant about adult men shaking their balls in front of children?”

All the energy of: “Tell me you never have been to a drag without telling me you that you have never been to a drag show.” This literally does not happen, even at the lewdest of drag performances. 

Strange, no where in any of this post was a teacher mentioned, you’re conflating 2 different arguments. It’s pretty clear your ilk is all for “parental rights” unless it’s something you’re against.

The bar’s yelp is already getting hit. Something tells me this relationship isn’t going to last long. 

Yes god forbid kids see that some adults like to play dress up in costumes too!?

Yes god forbid kids see that some adults like to play dress up in costumes too!?

If it is true that Musk did turn off Starlink during that time over Crimea, he has thousands of Ukrainian civilian deaths on his hands. I agree w/ the committee, no one person, or gov’t contractor, should have the unilateral authority to make national security decisions.... esp b/c Musk pooped himself over hollow

Justice moves way to slowly in this country. He should have had all his assets seized the minute the verdict was handed down, lost his radio show, and had any further income garnered to the point he was practically homeless and had to go on welfare and live in section 8 housing. The fact he’s still allowed to bloviate

They truly are Monopoly board throwing children when they lose. 

You’d think only being re-elected to your seat by barely 550 votes would be a wake up call to maybe temper, moderate, and subdue your behavior to be more of a statesman. But, I guess, that would take a level a self awareness and humility few on the right possess.

The chaos caucus is going to shut the gov’t down and we are all going to suffer for it.
Like to remind everyone that during the midterms the Republicans campaigned on “inflation, immigration, and crime.” To date, not single member of their caucus has submitted legislation to deal with ANY of those “issues.”
Vote Blue

We desperately need judicial reform in this country, top down.

I know it was a stretch, but hey, stranger things do happen!?

Oh I did forget about that, silly me. It’s so hard to keep up w/ white trash!? lol
Either way, reputations do matter and I’ve seen plenty of people bounce from job to job in various industries only to one day be bounced out of the area b/c they’ve become known to be difficult. If one of her boys ever came looking for a