
Based on the Christmas cards, all her boys appear to be below high school age, so pre-teen to young teenager. Probably not uber aware of what a reputation means. I’d peg it at 18 when either they are about to go to or are in college, or getting jobs. Ya know, when a name might start carrying some weight? 
Have you not

She’s to naïve to understand this and her kids too young to know, but when they’re older her kids are going to resent her deeply. 

“You can’t say I’m Black, because that would be terrible, so find something else that you can attack.”

Does this man even know what political party he belongs to? 

Haley is incompetent but the people pulling the strings of the GQP are not. Project 2025 should alarm everyone who gives a damn about rule of law, steady state governance, and the constitution. 

Just reading the reviews and some excerpts from this book makes my skin want to crawl. So cringe.
It’s telling when even his own brother, Kimball, stopped following him on twitter (not gonna call it ‘X’) b/c his behavior is so erratic.

This was always and will be a Republican created problem.

Having met, and known, some of the people who actually work for Burning Man, this tracks. 

WHO CARES! God if I were president I’d be making requests to double if not triple NASA’s measly budget its gifted. For all the money we spent on wars, Republican led goose chases, to misappropriated funds that end up just disappearing in the ether; $4.2 billion is peanuts and still worth every damn penny.  

Sending a probe that isn’t returning is a vast difference from sending a manned mission returning with all crew alive and a payload for scientific study. Be nice if you could tell the difference in scale. 

UGH! I’m still only Class A on my ship and stuck at my stupid job instead of playing that game.
My goal is to try and recreate Book’s asymmetrical ship from Star Trek Disco

Republicans no longer believe in the right to privacy? Fine! Chase them out of the stores, restaurants, schools, churches.... everywhere. If we don’t have the right to privacy to make our own healthcare choices, they should not have the right to live privately either in peace.
I’m so sick of these people. 

I’m interested to see what the right’s take will be on all this when human embryo’s can be lab grown, as was recently shown in a lab in Israel. 

Hey now, what do you have against the ‘C’ shaped Lucrehulk ships huh!? 

Truly remarkable to hear about a horse speaking out of both sides of its mouth. And I thought Mr Ed was a hoot!?
I agree with the author, Kylie, there’s no “moderate” side to this debate. Either you are for reproductive freedoms and allowing people to make their OWN decisions that ONLY AFFECT THEM, or you’re a forced

I always found it odd when republican politicians, like Sarah Palin, would gripe about “gotchya” questions. Like, excuse me, but becoming president means having to answer even more difficult questions without resorting to such antics much less over one coming from a 15 y/o boy.

Hope everyone understand the assignment come 2024.

That kid who was publicly tracking Elon’s private jet needs to do the same to Harlan Crow’s. 

Not a very good past couple weeks for Russia.

Womp Womp 

He is so cringe regardless of relationship status. 

At this point a brand new chandelier in an abandoned haunted house would make more sense than the lot which makes up the Republican party.