
Conservatives: “pRoTeCt ThE cHiLdReN! Derp Derp Derp!”

LOL I almost forgot about that! I wonder if I can find that clip. Journalistic gold!

It is my understanding the Grim Reaper’s breath is cold enough to send a chill down anyone’s spine, including turtles. 

I swear he’s looking skinnier now than when he had his first blank stare into the abyss a month ago.

Real Question: Is anyone legit using the “metavers?” Sort of has all the vibes of chat roulette but in VR.

Hands up for whoever is taking off of work for the day to play this? 

Now watch as what is left of Florida’s property insurance industry flee faster than the Wicked Witch’s flying monkeys hunting for Dorthy.

I think I have an idea for DeSantis’ Halloween costume this year!? 

At least it’s entertaining to watch these reporters practically getting swept away while reminding everyone to take shelter. 

Yeah when applying Occam’s razor to this, it’s less likely he was hacked and more likely a cry out for attention. 

Well thankfully since ‘X’ is now nothing but Musk brown nosing bots, I doubt it’ll move the meter one way or the other with likely voters.
It’s ok to the Jump the ‘X’ ship, kids. The water is nice. 

Idk if I would say “catholic” as opposed to “christian” since the evangelicals and baptists have their hands in this wretched distortion of our Constitution. 

Idk if I would say “catholic” as opposed to “christian” since the evangelicals and baptists have their hands in this wretched distortion of our Constitution. 

I’m really fed up with right wing politicians telling me my eyes and ears are lying to me. I watched their confirmations, in their entirety, particularly looking out for these justices stances on abortion and LGBTQ+ rights. They all swore, under oath, it was settled law only to simply turn their noses up at precedent

Schools are for so much more than just simply learning academic principles. What you should be asking is why is a school administrator trampling on some kid’s right to privacy? 

Christ, I just watched an interview with this guy. They played a clip from an earlier rally where he was saying “he doesn’t believe white supremacists exist.” Calling them a “unicorn.” And then when confronted about the recent Florida shooting, which was 100% committed b/c of racism, he got all huffy and kept talking

This is why you shouldn’t believe in religion, let it dictate your life, or think that it gives you some right to dictate other people’s rights and decisions in things such as healthcare. But the opiate of the masses is a strong habit to kick I suppose. Glad I got out.

“ I believe in a culture of life”... unless that life happens to be black, brown, female, LGBTQ+, kids being shot up in their classrooms, immigrants, refugees, jewish, muslim, disabled, poor, or homeless. Yeah, exclude all those groups and sure it looks like a “culture of life.”

he’s still crushing all of his competitors in the Republican presidential primary.”

If you want some really great Kim Cattrall content, I recommend the show “Glamorous” on Netflix.

It truly is amazing how the “f*ck your feelings” crowd have some of the most easily hurt feelings, isn’t it?