
“A 15-week ban is an idea whose time has come, it’s supported by 70% of the American people”

I’m glad we’re finally learning how to take right wing slights and turn them into marketable campaign advertisements. Like when the the other week at a rally, MTG started talking about all the bad things which were in the New Deal such as highways. The right is giving us marketing gold and we should be utilizing every

I don’t believe anyone has ever accused a right winger, in recent history, with any great degree of reading comprehension. So this tracks. 

“Rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light” - Dylan Thomas

Exactly, and I’d also like to add that when you take the right’s idea of unregulated gun proliferation across the nation to its logical conclusion: when everyone has a gun, every debate will end in a gun fight.

People need to be pushing back against religiously radicalized encroachment into our politics and national dialogue forcefully now. Should have been for years, but we’re at a make or break moment and these people need to be told their bronzed aged beliefs aren’t shared by a majority of the country and have no place in

People in these states need to wake up and realize that if you keep voting against your best interests (voting Republican) you just get crueler laws and lower quality of life. 

(everyone is a responsible gun owner until they shoot someone in the face, the thing about guns is it only takes one moment of irresponsibility to kill or maim someone)

Been saying this for years, and it’s amazing how much it pisses off the ammo-sexuals who then cry out “but I’m not a murderer I’m a responsible gun

Clearly you care b/c you’re so triggered that you continue to double down over something you know nothing, CLEARLY, about.

Is this Ben Shapiro? 

I don’t work for Disney, but I can read their quarterly reports. Maybe you should too to see how utterly imbecilic you are doubling down over something you know nothing at all about. Hilarious if it weren’t so sad.

Any person starts praying in my face are going to get what they deserve in a very short time span. 

My, my , my look at all the people who disagree with your assessment.

Give up, you lost. 

LOL I lost nothing and you haven’t provided a single fact to justify your economic outlook for a company you’re clearly not a high level manager of. Just more whining b/c a company has grated against whatever myopic worldview you hold. Your opinion, like the rest of the idiots on the far right whenever they make

Shocking!? Man who looks like a giant penis turns out to be a total dick too!? 

Well considering Disney isn’t an airline trying to crunch more people into a tube, you’re comparing apples to oranges. Let me know when you have a relevant and valid opinion. 

I did google, it’s how I found out what their valuation was. Idiot
Now why don’t you try changing your narrative in the face of contradictory evidence.

Elon, if you’re reading this:

And to think, once upon a time, all it took for Howard Dean’s campaign to end was a clip of him shouting “YEAH!” at the end of a campaign rally. 

Gawd, they’re still going on about this? These people are utter bores. 

So no citation? got it. Thank you for playing but the House of Mouse is solid.