
I am shocked

The (true) idea that all art making involves remix and appropriation doesn’t erase the existence of power structures and questions of ethics.

I feel like this is the editorial nuance that would have really helped land that article yesterday. Appreciate this perspective, because initially I had a similar reaction to AJM that these two articles landing a day apart makes Kotaku look a bit like it isn’t sure what its perspective should be on this kind of issue.

If they did copy, then think it’s fine for Disney to have copied his art, yes.

It is sad how many assholes play games. I have met a ton of good people gaming but the worst are always the most vocal.

Because it seems like the developper has sense of humor/marketing and PR all rolled into one.

How else will you put them on display in super public hearings covered voraciously by every media outlet for weeks so that they can be idolized by some other incel shitstick radicalized by meme forums? It’s basic job security.

White Supremacist Killer: writes 180 pages of white supremacist reasons why he white supremacist killed a bunch of non-white supremacist black people, specifically citing white supremacist talking points regularly featured on white supremacist Fox News

Fox News: prolly the video games, right?

I mean, the killer literally quoted the white supremacist conspiracy theory that Fox News’s 8pm time slot devoted to to the point that it should really be called The Great Replacement Theory Tonight with Tucker Carlson, and I don’t think he mentioned video games once in that 180 page /pol/ fever dream novella where he

But yeah, it’s just “odd” how the guys with the body armor and guns and white supremacist manifestos never find themselves in choke holds or with knees on their neck until they suffocate

Awfully true.

Sorry about your friends. It must be rough.

They also were high-fiving each other after arresting the subway shooter noting how they did incredible policework and such... sure the guy turned himself in but lets not let that get in the way.

You are clearly one of these white supremist trash rats so you and your racist pos discord icel terrorist go play in dense traffic. Kiss my ass with authenticity MFer!

Because your basic ass white or white enough privilege prevents you from understanding that in many of these situations it doesn't fucking matter. They still shoot the person when they are following the laws. Heaven help you if you are a person of color and actually believe the bullshit coming out of your mouth

The police have also always been used to enforce gender roles and ‘norms’.

No way that would work. As you probably recall, a loonie armed with suitcases full of guns and ammo opened fire on a concert in Las Vegas a few years ago, killing 60 people and injured 411 (!) single-handedly. When you consider there were 19 perps involved in executing the 9/11 attacks, that Vegas loony managed to be

Wow, you really went for the cheapest, laziest strawman possible, whilst completely dodging the question, didn’t you? Pretty pathetic. Quote me where I said “physically resist”. Oh right you can’t because it’s bullshit you made up!

Quit pretending like you don’t know what they are saying. And quit pretending like you aren’t supporting the cops killing people for nothing but disobeying.

a graphic has been circulated for a few years now with the faces of all the black people killed by police, and the white terrorists who have been successfully captured instead of summarily executed.