
now it’s a work related tax write-off

You won’t fail a NY safety inspection due to any of the above unless there was a misfire causing an emissions CEL. This dealer sounds shady.

Ah, yes, a modded Civic. Can’t beat the classic. 

Again, they aren’t bricking any devices out in the wild, only if you turn them in for the 30% discount.

Maybe I’m just not well versed in this, but I feel like the economically poor people would have the hardest time charging electric cars as they may not have the facilities to do so readily available (like a house). While I agree that making EVs easier for everyone to attain besides the well off is a good idea, I’m not

Mass transit is the only long-term solution to Southern California traffic issues.

Yukon Spin Me Right Round, Baby Right Round...Like A Record, Baby

Give us reported stories.

We won’t be buying stuff that needs a ton of work.

I love ya Raph, but I’m pretty sure you missed the good shit.

I always assumed that Trump never needed to use a toilet because of the amount of shit that spews out of his mouth.

The Democratic leadership has made a huge mistake. This impeachment is Trump’s path to reelection.  They did not make their case with the people that matter.

What a weird article.

Also, here’s another pic

and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing

I’ll say it again; this is impressive for sure but by my count there’s 16 people! Including two guys who appear to just hold the car steady on the jacks?

Sorry, but I disagree. Not only did they give it the Mustang name, but they knew how much of a mockery it was to do so and named it Mustang Mocky, and no one at corporate caught on.

They should have named it P-51.

Any Mazda Rotary: Fun Bag of Doritos.

Happy Halloween you beautiful weirdo!

Sounds like Mr. Hart needs to find better friends