
It’s not a chopped top.  FFR built them that way.  They only built a few dozen before discontinuing them to make room for production of the GTM.

No GSi, no care.

Corolla always could rally:

I worked a NASA event at Sonoma last weekend, and during the HPDE 1/2 group someone was driving a Corolla similar to the one in the video. Plus this group had not one, but two Hyundai Elantras!

You can’t spell “fiasco” without FIA.

They’re crazy. How is anyone ever going to know it's a Jeep???

You know, I’m starting to think Amazon might be a bad company.

Damn you make sound so easy. Hunny HUNNY a man on the internet says all I have to do is go get hired by Amazon and we’re in the money. With a little hard work, which I wasn’t doing before because we all know anyone who works minimum wage is just a lazy fuck, and following his simple 4 step process I’ll never have to

Issue the execs basic economy tickets (priority boarding privilege ignored) with the middle seats in the last row right in from the lavs and we’ll talk.

Is she confusing herself with Gloria Estefan?

We The People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution of the United States of

Remember this is the same administration that is trying to crucify a pair of FBI agents for expressing private political opinions via text message to each other and no one else.

why is it referred to as HIPB (first few references) and HIBP (down in the story more) both in the story?

the platform has served a significant roll in informing the public

Better that he did cut her mic.  Now everyone knows about it.  Otherwise it would have disappeared without a ripple.

I love how you shared something posted by an Austin news station (CBS is dead last, and hardly counts as news here) and assumed that meant it was in Austin.

this man needs to be fired, and he needs to lose his teaching license. The plagiarism is bad enough to warrant that. The bullshitting makes it worse. But unless the student, who seems honest, is outright lying, the fact that he then threatened the student with copyright infringement means that he is a bully in power

Other misleading phrases Tesla uses that the Teslarati fanbase doesn’t care about:

Reagan closed all the places she should have been sent to.

There is no hope for this country’s incarceration system. It must be completely torn down and started over, and that’s never, ever going to happen.