
That’s exactly the point. It’s what she didn’t get out of him that made him the lying bootlicker he is.

When I was a kid, I saw the signs for these ramps and wondered why the ramps were running away?

If you need more power feel free to go buy a mustang or camaro. These things are a phenomenal drive with the power they have. And now it comes in a color that doesn’t make you look like a complete burke. I’m down

Ok, but how many will be made and when can I put a deposit down???

Aren’t they cute!? The Pentagon drives up your taxes, lady. We spend more on war machinery than everything else combined.

The sad thing is you can’t get a moonroof in this thing. To me, that’s a dealbreaker.

“How far are you going?” I told them I’d just driven to Utah, and was on my way back to Troy, Michigan.

This will continue to happen as long as we allow our police to perpetuate their own internal culture that assumes everyone in the world is out to get them and that preemptive action is all that stands between them and death. It’s cop culture and training more than it is racism. (which is not to discount racism as a

Tapered Spacer and a Restrictor Plate

When was the last time you went out to a local race track and watched actual ‘stock cars’ racing around for a Saturday evening?

not that complicated

That logo on the tailgate is ridiculously small compared to the ginormous logos we get on fullsize trucks.

You’re the head of “audience and social”?

Y’all need some Kappa of the non-sorority sort.

I mean....I described it as irrational. How does one explain it better than calling it irrational?

wake me up when these become available with manual.

That’s the Green New Deal, right? That’s AOC’s proposal, not Elizabeth Warren.

I agree for the most part with one exception...

Are you talking about the Kraft video or the Mueller report?

Why does Deadspin insist on so creating so many posts arguing for a video for a 77-year-old guy getting a handjob? I hate the Patriots, but don’t see how this topic deserves 10+ posts.