
The fact that I know that picture from its title alone says a lot about me as a person.

I'd like to join you on Friday, but sadly I have to work.

Honestly, I've never been a big movie buff. I go to the theater, if I'm lucky, a couple times a year. I'm not the kind of guy who can't wait until it's out on video.

Isn't all wanking followed by at least an hour of sobbing, or have I been doing it wrong?

I'd be lying if I said that was the first Asian-marries-fictional-character story I've ever read. I look forward to when one of them gets International attention and ends up as the topic of a love-spat-turned-murder-story episode of Law and Order.

Don't worry. Somewhere out there is a Hollywood accounting working furiously to ensure that, technically, The Avengers will actually not make a cent.

And I vaguely recall there being a girl. I think she had a gun.

Isn't Squirrel Girl somewhat popular? I actually kind of enjoy the "girl with joke powers defeating unstoppable evil regularly off-screen" gag.

Well, see, you got it partially right. First, Romeo would die in a SHOCKING ISSUE. This was back in the days when Shakespeare couldn't include a lot of violence in his plays due to the Theater Code Authority restricting the use of violence and sex so it was a pretty big deal. This also caused Juliet to turn into her

I'm pretty sure that's why Spider-man himself won't be in the Avengers, too. Which kind of stinks. I've always had a soft spot for him and Cap, as I do enjoy heroes who are, wholly and legitimately, very good people, even if the world they're in isn't always friendly to "nice guys."

Honestly, there are so many horror stories about Hollywood accounting that I think finding an uncooked book in that town would be like finding an intelligent political debate on YouTube.

"If you think Tyler and Ryan fought hard and deserve to live, text LIVE to XXX-XXXX. If you want to see them put through the Eradicator, text DIE to XXX-XXXX."

I'm not sure what a vagina-themed ringtone would sound like. And I'm going to go do something before any possibilities come to mind.

The English language's lack of clarity in whether or not an object is designed FOR the genitals or in the SHAPE of the genitals will one day go down as its fatal flaw.

I want this to be a real, dictionary definition of love. I don't care if it was said by a fictitious assassin droid, it's the only love I've ever known.

Well, so it seems we've all sort of been agreeing with each other since the start, so let's just agree to agree.

At no point did I intend to imply that anyone here was declaring children's movies to be emotional voids, mere wastes of times of no importance put in place to keep the horrible little bastards out of the hair of the sophisticated adults who only enjoy emotionally charged stories. That would be silly on a multitude of

That I could accept. "We won't miss her" is a valid, if somewhat cruel, sentiment. "He was a nice guy, therefore he didn't do it despite confessing to it" just creeps me out.

Whenever there's a shooting on the news, someone is bound to say "I can't believe it. I just can't believe [suspect] would shoot [victim]. He just isn't that kind of person."

I don't necessarily think being a children's film innately excuses a film from having emotional depth. Half the reason I love Pixar and Studio Ghibli is because of the amount of emotion they can put into a story that still remains "family friendly."