
How many calories in that disgusting thing?

Fuck Starbucks for lowering the bar in this country. Fuck them HARD.

LMAO at adult babies getting tumescent watching this. Grow the fuck up.

“Actually”? Why the fuck are you pretending like this is some weird minority opinion?

Ain’t no persecution complex like white male persecution complex!

Yes, we’d all rather have seen “DEYS BE WATERMELON, CHUCKY B! FEETS DON’T FAILS ME NOW!”.

Now THAT’S a quirk.


Disagreeing with you automatically makes me “vile”? Whoa Nellie. So sensitive.

TIL everyone who disagrees with you is a “troll”.

Reason #42 why Trump is president.

Jewish, listen almost every day since well before 9/11, don’t remember this.

TIL locked 30 FPS “feels like 15".

Oh fuck off with that bullshit. You lot are part the Democrat’s problem, not the solution.

Wow, it’s like you didn’t bother to read the posts before making assumptions. Sounds JUST LIKE real life!

As a jew I am DEEPLY OFFENDED at the lack of jewishness in this game.

They are. But the narrative about being a victim is easier to sell.

Expressing an opinion different than yours /= homophobia.

lol all the relationship stuff is awkward in this game. But hey let’s pretend like it’th a conthpirathy against teh gays.

This kind of fake victimization is why Trump is POTUS. Draw a direct line.

Wait...so your truths towards gaming are objective while ours are subjective? Dang dawg.

No. But Kotaku, and false outrage, so this thread.

LOL no one said it was, Chachi. But god-DAMN if you didn’t have this ready to go for a week now.