
Hey, thanks coming over and commenting on this...

They made 'em until '91. I'll allow it, though 968 would be more appropriate.

944 was 80's

Ahh yes the 'ol if we discuss something on the internet we're ignoring the imminent threat of violence on the home front argument. Because that's how Nazism spread, people were just too dang busy discussing those doggone flappers. It had nothing to do with inciting fear of difference as a means of scapegoating

Wait ... "the creatures swore revenge"? The xenomorphs ... swore to get revenge? So now they have language and culture and memories about being nuked from orbit?

Bad news for bigots: You can't say fag on the radio.

I think this is basically going to be this generation's Flash Gordon

Didn't I see this image used on your article about Interstellar?

Repeat after me...this is a comic book movie. If you want a realistic movie, there are plenty out there.

Yeah, it's just not realistic. Unlike the demigod beside them, which is totally realistic. It's called suspension of disbelief, my friend.

Looks pretty good to me, like a cross between the comics Wonder Woman outfit and Xena. So yeah, good work to whomever designed it.

Hey, if Will Smith can use a Mac PowerBook to upload a virus to an alien mainframe to save the world, you can let this one slide.

I am so beyond sick of these ridiculously pale female characters in obviously tan worlds. Why is everyone so tan but the woman? Like how in Stargate the princess and love interest just happened to be the SINGLE WHITE CHICK amongst thousands of ambiguous brown people. We get it, mainstream media, white is pure and

Wait a minute. I thought this team was made of hipster Han Solo, raccoon Han Solo, and three versions of the Hulk.