
@JBu92: love love love it!

i didnt even read this. but now i want a beer.

i use the precise V5 as well, but i use the retractable version. its the only pen i will ever use again. i usually stock up on replacement cartages.

@Powercow: ok, called on that one. i didnt think that nearly that many, nor that big of games would require steam integration. weird actually.

depends on what he was found guilty of. i mean, if he didnt have any dangerous materials, then he really should have gotten off. freedom of speech and all that jazz. his attorney must have been asleep.

horseshit. the only games that require this are valve games and a handful of indi games that were made for sale on steam. if there are any more im sure they are small enough to fall through the cracks.

i think he is my favorite writer. he is at least my favorite thinker.

@ShakespeareGeek: damn man, thats the first time i heard of that, and i think i got it right off.

@Spoonless Eddie: people are stupid. yes. so we are fucked. enjoy the ship while it goes damn man.

network solutions is a great one. i get all mine through my host though, asmallorange.com.

@Spoonless Eddie: you dont get it. actually you do, you shot down your own argument.

@twiner: what im telling you is that it doesnt matter. all those regulations. they just dont. i mean, they are there and loosely adhered to. but this is likely the case on almost all rigs. i bet if any other rig, picked at random were under the microscope, they would find a ton of dangerous shit...but they arent

do one!

like this is going to stop anyone from filling up their tank this weekend.

@Samo: dogs and cats, living together. MASS HYSTERIA!

might as well censor all the porn in california. or follow people into the shower with black boxes, so people are accidentally exposed to their own genitalia.

parents...thats who should control what games kids have. additionally, it should be controlled on a state level how the games are sold. the federal government shouldnt even be bothering themselves with such a tiny issue.