
Is it like a racist-fascist or something?

If any company wants to fix this then have a “non white” person screen ideas and audios for anything that slips by everybody else. That way they can offer an opinion and then they can edit, or not.

3. the article notes that they took/made far more from beyond the arc. If you’re not getting the ball inside as much you’re unlikely to get many shooting fouls.

Yea, putting Wendys in the headline is needlessly aggressive and its removal does not hide some truth from being reported.

“Online advertisers hate him...”

Drew, speaking of sappy human interest pieces at the Olympics...

She is the only person ever, male or female, to perform that trick in competition and had she been the first competitor to perform a backflip, they would’ve had to come up with a completely different excuse as why to ban flips than they did.

Since the 1800s would still be wayyyyyyyy beyond fad status.

Thanks, I didn’t know she was officially hired by Marvel. Your explanation was quite helpful.

One other note, the $20K cut-off line as the highest bracket is a bit odd. A$25K is extremely different in character (the people, their backgrounds, etc.) than a $100K wedding. Even if we accept the premise that money spent has a meaningful impact on relationship success, it very well could be a non-linear

I wanted to be as diplomatic as possible in my comments ;)

Thank you for your response. One follow-up:

In fact, “those who spent the most on their weddings ($20,000 or more) were, on average, at greater risk for divorce.”


“Bro” is a pejorative. It has been used for decades as such. it assumes unearned inimacy, and has subtly homoerotic connotations

Earnest question here. How is her not being invited any different from say the Star Wars Expanded Universe writers not being invited to Star Wars movie premieres? I honestly don’t know enough about what the “extended Panther world” entails.

+1 very relevant correction

it’s also true that his ERA has been broadly trending in the wrong direction since his breakout 2013 with the Rangers, and he was roughed up pretty significantly in the World Series.

“So if the only team that would sign a player like JD Mart for a big time contract is the Red Sox, they can hold out for the absolute lowest price.”