
@David Lamoreaux: Um. You don't leave it on. It's in standby, just like your PS3, 360, TV and a billion other things around the house. There is no power going to the GPU what so ever. #rabbidsgohome

Sounds like this is going to boil down to one of those invite-only review parties ala Halo and GTA4. Then they can control who gets to see it and make them sign an NDA.

@Hamster Poop: But that won't happen. The screen doesn't have any extra pixels. You will have to scroll the same amount. #top

Top 30 in what? People who never set foot on campus wearing their logo? Oh wait, Notre Dame isn't there.

@DorkimusPrime: Congratulations on being an outlier. This is what I get for making broad generalizations. #top

If you are reading Kotaku then the DSi LL is not for you.

@Giggers: No. In a case like this Sony doesn't spend a dime on it. The judge tosses the suit out before any layers become involved. #law

@Communist Pope: If the suit is rejected then Sony doesn't incur court costs. #law

@datdamonfoo: You don't need to do this if you already have a copy of Windows on your target drive (partition). All you need to do is boot from the upgrade CD and do a custom install. All of your old windows data will be moved into a folder called Windows.old.

@Stan64: Sometimes it isn't technologically possible to have both spit screen and online multiplayer at the same time. #borderlands

@grimdeath9740: Make sure that neither of your modems are operating as routers. If they are then you are double NATing yourself and that will create tons of problems. #borderlands

@Hamster Poop: It's because the cheap way to do it would be to just emulate the console. #wiiware

@Grinman: I think it's the melee weapons, like baseball bats, that did it. #left4dead2