
@gimmic: Has to be built into the game. At the E3 press conference they said that Tiger Woods 10 would have the capability, but I'm not sure if that is true anymore. #dashboardupdate

@Komrade Kayce: Agreed. Kotaku needs to make up its mind. Is it a message board? Is it a blog? Is it Twitter?

@masshuum: Actually at the launch of the first DS they covered their asses and called it a "third pillar" to go along with the home console (then the GameCube) and the Gameboy line. It was only after the success of the DS that they dropped the GBA.

The kicking game in most football games has been kind of shitty for a while now. Where the hell are the squib kicks? I know I can put the angle way down but that doesn't simulate a bouncing, rolling, hard to field kick very well at all.

@lenandude: Bad dialog? Not very good graphics? What game were you playing?

@dsectric: Never invaded? Um hello, Washington DC was occupied and burned in the war of 1812.

@Raziel: Also BulletWitch kind of sucked.

@fireb0x: Except that time when it was.

@BarfHappy: More like it's stupid to restrict it to their smallest market.It's rare for a XBLA game to be region locked.

@BarfHappy: Except that it's an XBLA game and there's no way they'd restrict it to Asia.

@The Intern: They are named the Browns after head coach Paul Brown.

@puffa469: This is very much a half-truth. Sega's track record may have caused some consumers to think twice about buying a Dreamcast, but that didn't stop them from selling a record 225,132 units on the first day in the US.

@dracosummoner: 18 is Wesker from the Resident Evil series. Resident Evil 5 to be specific on appearance.