
@deanbmmv: No, everyone else tries to do the same stuff for free.

@ShadowOdin isn't american: Untrue. These versions of Facebook and Twitter allow you to post updates that are directly related to the games you are playing. No other Facebook program lets you send screenshots from inside games.

@Protector one: I am making an assumption here but I'm fairly certain that the "den" in Okamiden is just a shortening of densetsu. That is if they use the same character for "den".

@LionheartAce: There's plenty of gameplay footage from e3.

Didn't realize it was the Wii version the first time I watched it and I was confused and a little angry. Watching it again knowing it's the Wii version I think it's kind of cool. Techincal reasions asside, I think Wii version should be more pickup and play than the PS3/360 version, it's less of a simulation and more

Is that a ref on the ground in the second shot? God I hope so. Last time I played a Madden game the zebras weren't even on the field. At least in APF they were part of the game. Officials are part of the game, they can get in the way of runners, tacklers and even the ball. They get knocked down all the time and it's

@HowardC: It effectively costs zero dollars to pass a bill like this. A simpe Yea or Nay vote and there it goes. Any certificate or ceremony would have needed legislation to be official anyway. This is the same kind of stuff that goes through when the goverment recognizes new Eagle Scouts.

@Karmag Host: Too many tall buildings. It's probably somewhere downtown.

@wtf_G: The differences between WWI and WWII are astronomical.

@Convair 990A: The air war in WWI was largely irrelevant. Apart from some recon it mostly served as a morale booster to the troops in the trenches.

Only post-war Nuka-Cola is radioactive. Radiation is not a part of the classic Nuka-Cola recipie and is only present in Nuka-Cola Quantum.

@HB0MB: It's just you. The similarities to Second Life are minimal.

Laurie is better than Fry.

I hope they show the same amount of care with Pittsburgh.

@dgxxx: Someone forgot to close his tags.

@HenryHSH: What fantasy world are you living in? Broadband is a must for online gaming. Not since the Dreamcast have console games played well online with anything less than broadband.