
Who knew you couldn’t built super complex machines with cheap labor?

You are an island of common sense in a vast sea of internet outrage fueled torch and pitchfork carrying bullshit.

I laughed! and then I thought of the 36% of Americans who would believe him. ...dammit- even our humor is so fucked with....

Ummm...they’ve been doing this quite a bit recently. I’m starting to think they know something we don’t...

Here’s hoping no one from Hawaii EMA is involved...

They’re early.

It’s gonna be a lot of dick pics and awkward answers that yes, “objects appear smaller than they appear” win, if not the internet, definitely the Jalopnik comments section for today. Enjoy your star!

Not in this day and age, bub!  We sit here at our computers and diss anybody trying anything new, it’s the American Waaaay!!

What if I proposed digging two 35-mile tunnels that would begin and end right next to two train stations that currently have service between one another? And this tunnel would be right underneath an existing highway? But this tunnel would be used to skim cars along tracks at speeds no one has achieved yet? And it

I believe I created a prototype of the solution when I was 12. You see, you get a long piece of track at the end of the tunnel, include a couple loops to slow the cars down a little, and then launch them off a sweet jump that sends them safely into your mom’s couch.

I absolutely do not have to admire that.

That and hiring a person who’s sole job is to follow Musk around and slap the phone out of his hand every time he pulls up Twitter.

True tunnel vision.

Who was the fucking snitch?

I have zero friends that use facebook for anything even remotely useful.

UGH! Even the most patient person can get frustrated having to walk someone through tapping and entering stuff on the phone to do remote fixes. I’ve been using Teamviewer Quicksupport for logging in and fixing/setting up my Mom’s Android devices remotely and it works great, as it saves you from doing all of that! 


So my question is if I have disabled my Facebook account but continue to use Messenger (I have reasons, won’t go into it) will I be forced to use Facebook again?

Yeah, that is my understanding of entrapment. and that was the point of my comment. Looking to enroll in a school for visa status is not illegal. Creating a fake school for students to enroll and then pulling the gotcha seems like offering drugs. or better offering tobacco and arresting because it was really cannabis.

ICE created the fake university in 2015, though it mostly existed online in the form of a fake website. An indictment filed in January shows the government claimed enrolling students knew the school was fake, and wanted to use it to maintain their visa status.