
Yep.  Claiming she was there to take a dip in the pool but had no swimwear.  I bet she would have been allowed in everywhere if she claimed she was a hooker/escort.

someone mentioned in the last post about this, maybe she was supposed to get caught...

What do you listen to that can’t be satisfied by Spotify? I’ve got a weird ass set of tastes and I can still find everything under the sun in there. Hell, even my buddy’s self-released hip hop albums are on there, and he was a white dude from Ottawa, ON, Canada with no label support. The only things I’ve ever had

‘a fellow agent had inserted a USB drive taken from the suspect into his computer’

Just for my own edification, but others might care.

That’s why you need the comment heros like me to set them straight down here.

Zero success sounds like the vendor agreed to promise its efficacy.  Install it now and then work like hell on making the thing work, but at least you’re already on site and in control.  

The agent said, “That never happened with my AOL disks.”

The agent doing this was NOT an expert.

or theres another simple solution. something was said on either side that they dont want on the books and they just made the audio “disappear”.

It is pretty standard for the scripts to detect whether they are running in a virtualized environment and self destruct, so sandboxing by non experts is risky, but I’ll agree with one thing:

Put in context of this:

“totally not recording audio”

Incompetence or coverup?

A Secret Service agent named Ivanovich? Did he join the Mar a Lago detail just after the election? Was Putin aware?

“The agent had to immediately stop the analysis to halt any further corruption of his computer...” Because the dumb shit wasn’t doing the analysis in a sandbox.

Wow, a Secret Service agents computer was configured to autorun removable media? That’s pretty pitiful. That’s not even security 101, that’s just security for dummies.

It’s amazing how many people apparently are incapable of reading an article before commenting. No one’s saying get rid of all highways. 

On the bright side they’ll never know you’re leaving.

“Sir, this doesn’t work. Not even a little bit. Yesterday it matched a driver with a jackolantern.”

you know if they are so freaking scared of losing their dominance in the energy market, why dont they utilize all that freaking sunlight they get over there and build more solar farms?! you know the sun, that thing that wont run out for millions of years?! unlike oil, the thing that WILL run out or nuclear the thing