
See if it got stuck, Musk could just give the pod ketamine. Didn’t you read, ketamine injections narrow vessels.

Thought you were going to finish your comment by saying something like you pull out your junk now. :)

So these counterfeits were good enough for Apple to accept almost 1500 phones as their own? As someone who has filed claims with Apple, you have to show proof of purchase, serial number, and usually corresponding AppleCare coverage. I’m wondering how they got by these safeguards. Would love to know for when my phone

Not surprisingly, both were immediately awarded MBA’s and have already received VC funding for this disruptive idea. 

One does have to appreciate the chutzpah required for a grift on this scale. Perhaps both Zhou and Jiang should’ve switched majors toward a law degree.

Rescuer One: How do we keep these kids calm going through tight spaces?

I for one cheer the use of “chemicals” to aid the rescuers in their efforts to get the kids out. Imagine if a kid froze with fear or moved in the wrong direction, they needed to work quickly and probably didn’t have time to waste on calming down or correcting one kid and risking the lives of the remaining kid’s rescue

To accompany the Ketamine, Elon Musk sent over some glow sticks, fluorescent beads and his hottest electro mix.

Stop being a bitch bro 

It’s also implied that the Turks were in Anatolia during Roman times.

When I started traveling more for work, I got one of those laptop bags where all you have to do is unzip that back and lay it flat. This problem has been solved for over a decade for anyone that was really inconvenienced by it.

The shoe policy is 100% stupid as fuck but don’t forget about the underwear bomber...what I mean is it could be worse.

I mean, yeah, why shouldn’t we give them our SSN’s, credit card numbers, bank routing information, DNA sequence and fingerprints? I NEED TO SEE MY FRIEND’S CAT PICTURES.

Right? They’re only asking for my mother’s maiden name so they can make sure that person posing as my mom on Facebook is legit.

This constant paranoia about Facebook is getting real tiresome. There is nothing untoward going on here. Obviously they need your email passwords to supplement the improved security you get when you give them your phone number. I’ll bet you all will bitch just as much once they start asking for our social security

Every time I’ve gone a few hours without checking in on the news I hope I find out that he’s dead.  

You could at least make the argument that donating a building will benefit all students of the university. They were just padding the pockets of a few individuals.

Okay, smart guy, then where am I supposed to get my Bitcoins to play the Bitcoin-only slot machines at The Mirage?

What’s to research? You walk up to the machine, enter your PIN, some  bitcoins come out, you go up to the stage, and you make it rain bitcoins. Do I need to draw you a map?

$195k CAN worth of BTC stolen in September 2018 is probably worth about $63.50 today.