
Ohio..? That by itself should have been a clue that this was a hoax! Michigan may wanna bomb them but

yassss! I would pay ppv fees to see this..Hope the Monopoly man makes it again!!!

we have a winner!!

meanwhile senor dumbass (Trump) is barking about needing to close our southern borders to stop the flow of drugs...This shit is 100x worst then heroin. Most 16yo kids wont go close to H, but hey, this is a pill, lemme try it....

your link to the atlantic article is incorrectly routed to one of trumps scams...

ahhh, we do live in good times!!!

shoulda hired a pro---wait murder in modern times for 10k? this guy was on meth for sure

no that was the second worst thing they did, check out the handle^^^

i would love to be a fly on the wall of these ass kissing sessions...

im sure krispy kream HR has a different perspective on this...

you think thats bad? indian tsa in delhi made me pour out johhnie blue before proceeding (that i purchased from duty free 100 feet away..). I was literally in tears. Tried to convince the dude that it just cost me $125 and to at least take it home himself and drink. Anyways, I almost gave myself alcohol poisoning by

its actually some of the best tech using unix time management but yes buggy at times. 

easy to say but lets say you personally were a hostage in such a sitch, still OK with the cops verifying everything first? But what will happen is the boy that cried wolf effect, next time might be real and shit shall hit thay fan.

I dont understand the ruling...Amazon does not have a monopoly on this kind of tech. Whats stopping another online retailer from creating a similar button..?

I say dont refund their money, if they are stooopid enough to donate to something as idiotic as this they deserve to lose out!

especially considering its Kinja!!

good for you Canada!! This is everything America used to be about...You guys have a spot we can park the statue of liberty until 2020?