Tucker Carlson's Hippie Teacher

I hope Mrs. Douglas sees this piece. As a teacher I have no higher ambition than to help make more Michael Harriots in this world. What a wonderful writer.

I am not a public figure but even I regret the way I judged Stodden back in the day. They were basically sex trafficked for reality tv. It didn't even occur to me to look at them through a feminist lense. I saw the big boobs and the squeaky voice and just bought into the idea that they deserved ridicule. I feel shitty

When hate crimes were initially being debated, I do recall the suggestion that it might backfire and become "thought policing." I imagine a lot of right wingers who believe white Christians are the oppressed ones would love to see prosecutions for publicly criticizing white people and Christians.

Well, if he is going to be the last democratically elected president for a long time we might as well enjoy it. 

In response to the comment that I can’t know critical theory unless I went to law school: it is the main framework for literature studies. Critical theory is an entire branch of literary criticism these days. My graduate level literature and writing classes included a lot of it. Interestingly enough, I did two masters

Definitely not dangling a fish hook to get interest. I assume anyone who has looked at the actual text of the book (rather than just remembering the movie) can see exactly why it is racist af. The narrator’s description is not just dated. Well, it is dated. But being of that era and of that place, a white girl’s

As a teacher I am ready for them to come for me. I am surprised to have “gotten away with” speaking the truth about racism for as long as I have. The white people weren’t paying attention, I guess. Most teachers don’t event know what critical theory is, but I do use it as an English teacher. I use it when I have to


I hear you

God damnit

Fellow cracker here. Well, the rate of suicide and other deaths of despair among us is increasing exponentially all the time, so that part of the project is well underway. All the non-white people can sit back and watch us destroy ourselves. Except that we won’t be able to just kill ourselves quietly. We are gonna

Remember when he sang “bomb bomb Iran” to the tune of Barbara Ann?

I bet Amy Cooper is still looking for a job.

I love The Root and I always want to see your take on news items. But these pop up ads that cover the entire page are intolerable. So frustrating. I would pay $10/month for as free access. I am usually on Android.

Oh they are constantly at war with each other, "punching horizontally."

In our grand, centuries long project of denying the humanity of others for the sake of our own comfort and prosperity, we have essentially destroyed our own humanity. Thus all the deaths of despair in white world.

Jesus. Where they said to eat watermelon. I mean. 

I am going to go all out white lady here, because I am a white lady and I can’t always help it. Last year I went to the craft store and made myself a Juneteenth wreath. I live in rural North Dakota and no one sees my front door, so it is only for me and my family. And I guess my Facebook feed. But this year I didn’t

 Right. Nobody stans Biden. Well, maybe Champ. 

This kind of gestalt-like therapy can be retraumatizing. No one should ever be forced to do it,