
I really don’t know what I expected in the comments, but as I started reading, I was shocked how quickly things got ugly.

I know the difference. One is food going out of the body, the other is food going out....oh. Wait. But lots of people got upset about the pooping comparison and really, how dare I? So take out poop and insert menstruation. Or sex. Sex creates baby. Don’t wanna hear about it. Menstruation keeps baby’s room tidy. Still

Fair enough. I am kind of a dick.


Can we all agree that Mina is the best? While not really necessarily agreeing with me, she has presented her own take in a logical way instead of going all apeshit on me. Thank you, Mina.

It’s no more a “real problem” than any of the other stuff we bitch about when it comes to coworkers. Smelly perfume, bad breath, whatever. No, it’s not a national crisis and I didn’t say it was. And I’d spend more time defending my point to you, but frankly since you haven’t yet worked out what quotation marks are for

I have a very simple answer for you: when you work in the ER, you get used to strangers doing everything from having sex to dying in front of you and it’s not an event because there is a wall of anonymity between you and the patients. You’re strangers. It’s not fucking rocket science and I’m not making any

In this case, I was working in an ER, this woman was a doctor and the hospital provided ample breaks for breastfeeding as well as separate rooms in which to do so. So no, that’s not why she announced it. Several of the female staff members handled pumping with discretion, there were just a handful of oversharers and

You’re both right about the fact that dehydration is a very serious threat in infants. I just don’t like it when people toss out statistics that they made up because it’s a slippery slope between exaggerating because you think it’s an important point and, say, erroneously telling parents lies like vaccines cause

Now remember that the number one killer virus for babies is Rotavirus or Norovirus

WARNING: Controversial opinion follows. As a young woman who doesn’t want kids, I honestly have no feelings either way about where women go to pump. I do, however, wish I didn’t always have to fucking hear about it. For example, until recently I worked with a new mom who couldn’t get through a single goddamn day

Easy their, Lukas. You know I’m just kidding.

Lukas Haas is still alive? Who knew?

Holy fuck, I love you.

My personal fave is the Ikea hot dog. Not because of the taste, quality or quite reasonable 20-pack for 50¢ price. It’s because of the huge honkin’ poster that hangs like a beacon of hope at the end of a long, often-troubling shopping excursion lasting many years and costing many lives.

Can I just say that everything is a little brighter now that I’ve added the Chrome extension suggested by John Oliver, that changes every “Trump” to “Drumpf”. Yes, he’s still a megalomaniacal glob of throat phlegm, but it takes some of the sting out of his sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigotry when he’s

I seriously thought that was Caitlyn Jenner in the pic.

An entire auditorium of celebrities shit themselves as Stacey Dash walked out. They thought it was just a tasteless joke, much like Dash herself.

Now playing

I was looking forward to the revival of the Very Special Episode, but this one wasn’t as touching as I’d hoped, tough there were wonderful parts.

Albert Clifford! I think maybe his military dad called him that or something. God, if I could clear out all the TV trivia and learn actual useful facts I’d be a lot more successful in life!