
That definitely sounds like something that might be glossed over for the sake of “teen audience appeal,” considering how eager fans were to embrace Snape as a Good Guy. Speaking of which, he had more than a little bit of Nice Guy Syndrome going on, eh? Ironically, of course, since he wasn’t ever actually “nice,” but

I know you’re joking, but just a few days ago I saw a package of knock-off solo cups labelled ‘American cups’.

That’s my main problem with this ban as well, but there will probably be plastic single use products, only the kind made from materials that biodegrade (which has its own problems of course). I hope things will be available for those who actually need it. Single use plastic items have their use, and that use is, imo,

Now playing

Records for largest food items have a requirement that the item must be sold or donated for the record to be officially recognized.

Meanwhile, I’m doomed to end up meeting a steady-stream of Men’s Right Activists via online dating, and having to decide whether it’s better than being single!

That statistic on reuse rate is pretty alarming- it’s great that these things are being phased out, but there are plenty of other plastic products out there and recycling options for them simply have to become more expansive, particularly in the US

Fuck off with that ‘my wife dragged me here’ garbage, Longbottom. It’s not cute.

We ate our hamburgers and pizzas with our hands.

He did wear fake teeth and cushions during some of the HP movies.

You’re right. He’s had quite a glow up, but he’s not someone that you should be fanning your vagina over (for me, at least).

Just admit the hat was right and move on.

I guess even in a tux, on my wedding day, I wouldn’t be able to remove my hand from my infamous abs either.

Kalief Browder’s story is a nightmare. Good on Annabella Sciorra for tying together the strings of racism, sexism and classism that hold up our (in)justice system.


they totally don’t need that sesame street tagline.

“To protect you from the physical harm of underage drinking we are going to punch you in the head. You’re welcome.”

You need to rethink this headline. She was clearly arrested for headbutting his knuckles!

He’s the Wurst.

Poor guy had a lot of ground to ketchup

Talk about a wiener-loser situation!