
Well, it's great PR play because if DRM still gets implemented, Sony won't be to blame. They've effectively shifted blame to the publishers. Furthermore, by not putting DRM or online passes on their first party games and most likely second party too, they show that what they said weren't just words and that they are

Yeah, that was kinda bad news but he softened the blow with some free games :)) Still sad to see free online multiplayer go.

With the help of their next-gen engine, birds move away when you get close to them!

Clannad never fails to make me tear up but I never thought it'd make me tear up by laughing :))

It's not like they deny that the footage isn't from gameplay but from replay/photo mode. The camera angles should tell you that much. GT really looks that good though when in replay/photo mode.

I don't think it takes a step backwards. It's just that one foot (Kirino) takes one step then the other foot (Kuroneko) takes a step forward too so it seems like nothing's happening. At this point I think Kyousuke's already aware of what's happening with Kirino.

I disagree with the KyoAni moe anime things (well, with regards to the ones I've watched). The "moe" thing for them really is just more of an art style. I don't remember watching and loving Clannad and Air for the moe characters.

I'd agree that HenNeko is skippable but definitely not bad. It's just average (mostly due to the existence of Hataraku Maou-sama). It's mostly fun while waiting for the next episode of OreImo :)) Well, actually, I'd totally agree with you if I'd only watched the first episode. The current episodes are actually pretty

Don't worry, you're not the only one who thought it was Rei :)) Was actually gonna post it but then saw your annotation.

I'd agree with the others in recommending Evangelion, Gurren Lagann and Nichijou. I probably won't watch Evangelion as a first, though.

I was going to say that but you did it first :))

I like the twist in Hanako's route but...Rin is still the best KS girl <3

Apparently, what this shows us is that people love taking video games at face value. You bought a game where you shoot people? There's no other reason for you to buy that shit unless you want to shoot people in real life.

Not really a spoiler now since they plan to reveal that info at the onset (or sometime close) of the movie -.-

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Rei eats pills for breakfast. Rin actually has fake arms. Nagisa loves anpan.

You're watching Nichijou. I think I love you.

Hey Evan, thanks for bringing attention to TAY Classic and TAY: Open Forum! We appreciate all the help that Kotaku gives us to nurture the community.

That "Supplies, motherfucker" killed me :))