
But Dr is right though - it really isn’t on him at all.
The possibility is very real, but the guy at best needs to warn her close family afterwards with a “hey just did this, might want to be here for her”

After that he shouldn't be concerned much more.

Yea, no - you are wrong.
If nothing states ‘don’t do this’ it is free game.

I have a friend that spams shitty moves all day in games, and I purposely pick characters to counter the bad playstyle, but I fully believe he shouldn’t be banned for something like that.

It’s only cause I saw it here - kinija helps me spot some good deals form time to time - I appreciate the work/scouring for deals!

It’s only cause I saw it here - kinija helps me spot some good deals form time to time - I appreciate the

This actually worked for the limited edition I got yesterday too.
Got lucky and was able to snag one!

This actually worked for the limited edition I got yesterday too.
Got lucky and was able to snag one!

Huh, how about that.
Came here to read a different take on PoGo, and I’m leaving with a how to on cooking, you shoudl teach me more.

Yea, I have to agree with you here.
Kinda silly to complain about when the customization is already soo limited.
I definitely can't make the way I can look in the game, if there was a lot of options and it was an oversight I'd be more inclined to agree, but complaining about Pogo right now is a bit sillier.

Yea their skill curve is always impressive.
Bayonetta 2 you could get through pretty easily as a casual player, but some of the challenges really required some finesse and a good understanding of how the game worked.
I suck at action games, but can usually play through the story at least in their games.

Agreed it was simply icing on the cake so to speak, but really not super necessary.

91 Days was something I was skeptical going into, because it’s quite a ways outside of what I usually watch.
I was pleasantly surprised by it, and can say it is my favorite show right now.

Yea the HR team where I work tried this whole “throw money at it”
We ended hiring several POS and within 4-8 months 50% or so left after training.
Things are a lot better now though, but throwing money like that can lead to unexpected costs, and I know when we had so many people leave it left a ton of backed up work

That isn’t too confusing - it just ping the server every X minutes.
This is why I walk everywhere while playing.
It does a really shitty job a tracking anything above walking speed in m experience.

Sounds like the drivers didn’t pull correctly.
That sucks though, it’s a good OS for sure better luck on the next computer though!
I was only asking out of curiosity - no offense/sarcasm intended.

Funniest part about that statement is people are soooo upset about a game that has only been out for such a short while.

I mean if their terms say otherwise they have every right.
I didn’t realize this, and I have to wonder why they were made in the first place when it violates it.

Ehh broken for a 1.5 weeks without a fix really isn’t that bad.

It really isn't that bad - it is still loads of fun, and a lot of people complaining are just sensitive.

What is confusing about the egg system?

na, that makes it too easy.
I could much rather see the current system fixed to where it updates the list since it worked pretty well - maybe have 3steps that are too far away actually disappear from the radar correctly and such.

Backup everything, then do a clean install.
By far the best way to go, I personally haven’t run into problems yet.

Thank god someone else here gets it.
After doing 20 or so of these installs, a clean install gives by far the best results.