
You'd have to imagine somewhere deep in Disney, there's a folder marked "Indiana Jones", with a tonne of references to Chris Pratt within it.

find an O’Reilly parking lot to change my oil.

I mean, he barely gets a few sentences in between that gem and “drive my 1958 Jeep”.

“I’m also careful to make sure that the vehicles I drive on public roads are safe”

Jokes aside though that sucks. Hopefully you got the hard part out of the way and everything goes swimmingly from here on out.

Eh.... not really.

I miss being able to read jalopnik. 

Maybe the effects aren’t done? I hope they’re not done. Space Ghost’s cape looks flat and Cheetara also lacks any sort of shadowing.

You know, for kids!

Ironic that they appear but Pepe being schooled on consent got cut.

“Hey you know how we took out the skunk with a penchant for unwanted romantic advances?”

A little rape and ultra-violence is fun for the whole family! Ha Ha!

The Droogs will probably leave once they realize that Pepe LePew is off the team.

Not even going to read the article but I’m guessing:  it’s love.  Love is their most powerful tool.

Here in the U.S., and as is the case with most models’ debut, its best year was its first year, 2016. Acura moved 269 units. In 2017 there was a sales increase of 117 percent to 581 units.”

What they SHOULD do is make more of those one shots they used to do in Phase 1 and 2 and put those on Disney +. Maybe that way we can catch up on characters that got short shrift in the finale...especially Monica (but also Jimmy and Darcy)

Honestly, between Warner Bros./DC, Disney/Star Wars, and Viacom/Star Trek, it seems the only big property putting out content in a set timeline order (barring the prequel or two) is Disney/Marvel. Everyone else seems to be pretty happy dropping content at different corners of their franchise, regardless of universe,

So it's Tron.

<cups hands around mouth> Ship it!

This clip is 71 seconds long. Avengers #71 is when the Black Knight is officially made an Avenger. My uncle’s girlfriend’s hairdresser told me she saw Kit Harrington in Scotland with short hair, which means he is in character.

So book it. The Black Knight comes in at the end.