
I like this.

My dad found Firefly streaming a while back and loved it. I had to break it to him when he asked when the next season was coming out.

Here’s the limited edition PS4 version:

I think you mean Neal.

Plot for the worst Disney movie ever.

I think this is an apt quote to represent the LoTR movies, considering they had the wrong character say it.

Well, I can’t think of a single reason to doubt anything this guy promises.

Yeah, for real. I rewatched the extended editions last month, after not having seen the movies for about ~5 years. It’s simply remarkable how well they’ve held up. Especially Fellowship, it’s just a solid movie from start to finish. To me, the prologue of FOTR is underrated - it’s *just* enough to give a newbie a peek

Also, the end of the sequence where McKellen shouts “To the Bridge of Khazad-Dum!” and you see their tiny figures dashing out of the tomb and running through Dwarrodelf as Howard Shore’s Fellowship theme kicks in LOUD for the first time. At that point, any remaining doubts I’d been harboring were gone and I was

Now playing

I saw the first two movies at midnight openings, but I was able to catch a sneak preview of RotK a week before it came out thanks to my roommate, who had passes from her bookstore job.

A Star Wars mod for Freelancer was one of my first experiences playing a modded game. It wasn’t anything special, but I really liked the idea of being a simple man trying to make his way through the SW galaxy. Definitely love the thought of a game specifically designed to make that happen.

I’m reminded of how there was a period around 2001-04 where I would experience an ecstatic Pavlovian reaction every time I saw the New Line logo on TV, even if the movie turned out to be Dumb and Dumberer or Goldmember.

Morgoth ~ Satan/Lucifer

Morgoth was the most evil threat to Middle Earth. He was the first of the Ainur who rebelled against Iluvater. He was the one who led other gods or angels astray. He was the one who caused the rebellion of the Noldor and was responsible for kidnapping, torturing, and corrupting Elves until they became Orcs. Sauron was

I’m ok with this, as well.

Dynasty Warriors: Galaxies

While I don’t think it was Mackie’s fault, season 2 was not as good.

I’ll make a wish that can’t backfire. I wish for a Star Wars game, that’s open world, with ground and space battles and -AND- I don’t want any microtransactions, I don’t want an MMO, and I don’t want any other weird surprises. You got it?

For about two days.