
Me too!

DMX on repeat all day.

Probably. But I feel like he made his bed with Starlord and the Jurassic movies.

1. I love how Harrison Ford saysIndy dies with me.”

Well this is horrible and predatory. Good thing Nissan hasn’t made anything I’d be interested in buying in a looong time. 

Another Fiero owner. I concur.

Agreed on GoT. Also all the horror characters.

Honestly this managed to make the first Space Jam look like Citizen Kane so....thanks?

Disco is great but they have not made an appealing uniform in the series yet.


And Filoni’s hat. 

Last Jedi was horrible. The humor didn’t work (Chrome dome? fucking srsly?), the script was all over the place, everyone except Rey and Kylo had jack shit to do. The slow space chase was the least Star Wars-y space fight ever. New characters were introduced and then killed while old favorites were just silent cannon

I don't blame them. 

I understand none of this. 

If you shoot wildly into the bushes you might get a hit every now and then...


Wrecked? More like broken in. 

This looks awesome. The puppets are gorgeous and I dig the Muppety-Monty Python vibe. Instantly much better than Disenchantment.

Go Meghan!

Also what is the weight? Looks like a whale. And I rode a gen 1 Caponord to Baja and back which was totally La Ballena. This looks bigger.