
Epic can epically GF themselves. 

Absolutely. Redwall was my Harry Potter. I definitely read all the Harry Potters of course but I kept thinking....why aren’t there any Badger Lords swinging battle-axes through hordes of vermin?

Yeah the animation was pretty budget. I will definitely give you that. It’s worth a look again if you can find it. The voice acting is particularly enjoyable. I found it on Dailymotion a couple years ago.

I have been WAITING SO LONG for someone to do a good adaptation of Redwall. They were VERY violent books and decidedly not for kiddos younger than 5th/6th grade but so so good. They taught kids a lot about reading comprehension since the dialogue was always written “in accent”. The moles were particularly hard to

The animated series was pretty good actually!


My biggest issue with the Weeknd after the Super Bowl HT show was that Daft Punk didn’t show up somehow. It would’ve made it the best HT show ever. 

Cyberpunk developer hit by a cyber attack by a cyborg using cyber tech to deal cyber blows to cyber infrastructure of the Cyberpunk developer.

Don’t blame her. Universal set her back with those Monster-Verse shenanigans.

Better start developing that Spartan program. 

Tesla/Musk aside, isn’t anyone else besides me disappointed that we don’t have flying cars yet?

Considering I only made it about 30 minutes into the prior version this version will have a pretty low bar to hurdle to make it a success for me.

Also GameStop stock being the revolutionary catalyst exposing the system for the sham it always appeared to be is...*millennial chef’s kiss*

Congress better get in on this STAT. Come on Biden/Harris. Harris can do for retail investors what she did for homeowners wrongfully foreclosed on. This is the financial elite flexing on the swelling masses. Plain and simple.

FUCK RobinHood. He’s working for Prince John. 

AM four or five episodes into Season 5. Holy shit did they turn it up to 11 this year. Its the best show streaming right now IMO. 


Yeah this just reeks of Gal Gadot’s Imagine video.

This is why the stock market is fake and I stopped day-trading. 

So Gabe is Anorak.