
It looks small. Seat height?

Yes, I did thank you. My apologies to Neal.



Well the one thing that can be said for 2020 is that it’s made 2021 absolutely packed to the gills with movie releases. Hopefully the ones I hope are good turn out to be. 

But the right actor! It’d be hard to argue Cate Blanchett’s delivery was anything less than captivating. 

Yeah they should’ve made this a live-action series instead of the super lame CGI-fests.

Time to watch all the EE’s again. My wife is going to be so happy! Lol

Yadda yadda when does Ashton Kutcher come out from off-camera and say “You’ve been Cyberpunk’d bro!”?

Agreed. Fellowship is most definitely the best film of the three but Two Towers remains my favorite.

It would be the ultimate SW experience for me. Just make it a little more accessible than say the likes of Elite: Dangerous.

Agreed. Seeing that for the first time, especially when they emerge into the cavern remains one of my most awe-struck cinematic moments.

Lol. Same.

I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was, is lost, for none now live who remember it.

That’s a bummer. I know is been cancelled so I’ll get around to S2 at some point. No real hurry to catch up.

Totally agree. Mass Effect with Star Wars skins would sell like hotcakes. I’d just want some Ship v Ship in there too. While cruising the star-map and scanning planets was strangely soothing I LONGED to fly the Normandy around in combat.

That’d be fun. I’d really like more of a space sim type game. Like Freelancer combined with the shooting of Mass Effect. You can be a smuggler, pirate, merc, etc. Lots of ships to buy/upgrade, flying missions, and “away missions” with third-person cover shooting.

This looks fun. I’m in. Also Mackie is always cool. I need to watch S2 of AC.

Fallen Order was amazing and Squadrons scratched my starfighter itch. I’m good on SW games for a while. 
