

More like LucasFarts.

*Why not both gif*

Now we know the plot for The Meg 2.

This is awesome. Now D.C. just needs to hire Monkey Ball Nazi Killer for the Capitol Police.

Underrated comment.

Exactly. If Holdo was a great new character then keep her along for the ride. Ackbar deserved something to do, anything. Shit, everyone except Rey and Kylo deserved something to do.

Are people really outraged by this?

Hey let’s take everyone’s favorite RoTJ supporting character and give him zero lines and kill him offscreen. Yeah that’s exactly what the fans want. Star Wars is all about artistically subverting expectations.” - Rian Johnson

And Ackbar.

Worst day in this country’s history since 9/11.

I think Pixar’s name is worth more to Disney than absorbing them, just like Marvel, Star Wars, etc. But point well made and taken.

Because Disney has trouble paying their electric bill...


Picard started off promising but really shat the bed by the end. I’m not really interested in more.

This is an impossible question. I love so many of them for so many different reasons.

That header picture is what you see when you look up “Douche bag” in Merriam-Webster’s.

LOL screw em, the Royal Family that is.

You could do some sweet Twister truck cosplay with this.

That UI screenshot is bringing back a flood of memories!