
A good majority of S&R peeps are volunteers in their own rigs. Maybe a County is lucky enough to have some dedicated S&R folks but usually its a team of deputies, FFs, medics, and citizen volunteers. Many of the first responders don’t get paid extra for the S&R teams thing either.

Never pre-order anything.*

Never pre-order anything.*

Badasses of the highest order.

Wahlberg as Sully?

Fuck 2020.

Wow. Nashville PD is horrible at their jobs.

He’s not the hero we deserve, but he’s the one we need right now.

You best Shrek yourself before you wreck yourself.

To be fair, nobody is as sexy as that bike.

Tron: Legacy is the best. Daft Punk and the sweet visuals made it. Also the black Ducati Sport 1000 biposto, the only thing sexier than Ovilia Wilde in the movie.

Lol to be fair I did steal it from Moana. So...uhh...You’re Welcome. ;)

2020 just wants to say “I lava you” before it leaves.

I honestly didn’t think of Elf when watching it but the comparison is valid.

Also Godmothered is pretty good. It’s super silly but funny and fun. Jillian Bell is hilarious in it. 

Does this work on Presidents? 

I thought of that game too.

That’s also a solid idea.

Honestly I have been more wowed and surprised by Indie games in recent years than any AAA games outside maybe BoTW and a few others.

Ah thank you for the clarification. My point stands though!

Making it for so many platforms was silly. They should’ve made it FOR last-gen consoles first and allowed for visual upscaling later. It would’ve been so much better of a launch.