What Fresh Hell Is This?

Trump also stopped by a funeral to pay his respects. 

Something is awfully wrong here...

Now playing

I avoided the entire central part of town while he was at UMC, but just knowing he was on El Paso soil had me on the verge of an anger stroke Wednesday afternoon.

El Paso is my beloved hometown. I just flew back from there yesterday.

This is the worst Batman origin story reboot EVER.

It’s even stranger when you consider that the rally that he was bragging about is the one that El Paso is still trying to get him to pay the bill for since he’s ignored it for like a year now. 

I’m amazed Dipshit didn’t magnanimously announce he’d guarantee little Paul a gardening job at Mar a Lago when he turned 11.

“The baby, a two-month old named Paul, sustained injuries when his mother, Jordan Anchondo, fell on him in an attempt to shield him from gunfire. She, and her husband, Andre Anchondo, died at the scene”

Does this mean that the uncle drove this now orphaned baby back to the hospital just so he can be part of a smiling

I actually told my wife yesterday, god forbid if this ever happened to us. One of us or our children was in the hospital from a mass shooting. I would totally want to meet the president. I would lie through my teeth about how much I loved him just so I could get into a room with him and tell him how much of a scum bag

Tbaby: “Aren’t I great!”

Uncle Tito is a damned moron. Shame on all these people for using this child as a prop. I hope he grows up to be Batman. How utterly awful.

Look we know the President is an idiot who would totally think this is appropriate - none of what he does surprises me - but that family! Why would they do this? Days after his sister in law is dead this guy is using the child she died protecting so that he can grinning photos with the president whose policies

Holy shit. He actually had the balls to say about Dayton(where they did not allow journalists or newS cameras because he fucked it up so badly in El Paso and they wanted to make their propaganda crysturbating video), “We left Ohio, and the love, and the respect for the office of the presidency, it was- I wish you

Haha that thumbs up pose, what a literal fucking insane person

Oh my fucking god. He doesn’t care what you think about him after he got that picture with his shit-stained thumbs sticking up and your goober maw grinning ear to ear. “Got it? Great, get my ass back to Bedminster. It smells here.”

Just really looking natural here.  Ugh, poor Barron.

You cannot have a human to human meeting with a gelatinous blob of mutated mold, sorry, Uncle Tito.

I hope this uncle doesn’t end up raising the three children left by the slain parents.  He makes terrible decisions.

I'm shocked that they didn't stick a little MAGA hat on him for the picture.