"A Dress" -Calvin Klein

Hello darkness, my old friend

This bracket is a sham.

How did no more student loan debt not at least make it the final four? What the fuck is wrong with everyone here?

Maybe that’s an explanation why directors repeatedly cover his beautiful, beautiful face.

I didn’t, until I had an amazing sex dream about him, completely out of nowhere. My subconscious totally changed my mind about him!

He’s the kind of guy who should do it for me but he absolutely does not. Plus I feel like I need subtitles when he talks.

I also don’t get it. He doesn’t look bad or anything. Just kind of weird.

Ummm Christina looks amazing!

I love March Madness so much. Can we just do endless brackets all year? It’s such a relief (and so much fun) to bicker about trivial shit.

You Online Shopping maniacs are making unreasonably angry.

My brother was killed in a wreck on Wednesday. He was 29. He was a good man, with a big heart. He overcame a lot of obstacles and had gotten his life headed the way he wanted to go, and then he swerved to miss a dog in the road. Just like that, one thing, and he’s gone.

I think I spend too much time on Jez, i was reading your story and knew it sounded familiar

I haven’t met Owen, but I have met Stanley Tucci—while nowhere near the same class of actor, but also someone that I have NEVER considered sexy—and I swear to god, if he had told me to meet him in the bathroom, I would have done it instantly. I have never experienced a sexual magnetism like that before!! I guess it

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This video is fantastic. I also love his Emmy acceptance speech for his Lifetime Achievement Award:

Don’t watch this if you work in open floor plan setting. Unless you want coworkers to see you fighting back tears lol

The world didn’t deserve that man but I’m sure glad we had him. Thank you Mr. Rogers for being my friend when nobody else would.

I still to this day reference this commercial.

everyone being confused on how to vote happens every year but we always get to a winner