Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare Jokes!)

Why not both?

It needn’t be purely Psyops, and could absolutely include actual real live edge lords as well.

It’s not an either or.

It’s worth noting that a lot of “missing the point” of the main character happens in narratives that are anti-authoritarian or anti-capitalist.

Fight Club?

Also, pushing Critical Race Theory in schools. There is a reason the Right is so dogshit terrified of CRT. It undoes their identity politics and renders at least some of “The Southern Strategy” moot. 

A population that recognizes White Supremacy is a population that calls bullshit more readily.

I will never stop believing that the “jokification” of V’s mask as the figurehead of “incel culture” was intentional to remove it from the zeitgeist.

V for Vendetta had/has a lot of potential as a message of hope and love (and anti-capitalism/fascism) (as the author points out).

Pulling it’s teeth and attaching it to

Oh I have time.


If I had a time machine I would probably find the person who sold the idea of Horse Armor at Bethesda shortly after killing Hitler. 

I loved Drizzt as a kid, now I’m less interested in a Mary Sue and more interested in pursuing RPG’s for their choice and outcome merit.

Mr. Zurkon is clearly the protagonist of the game. 

How “on brand” is it for White Supremacists to make COPS their acronym?

White Supremacist cop: “oh this patch? I’m a COP aren’t I? It’s just a police thing.”

They do love hiding in plain sight *cough cough Tucker Carlson cough cough*.

Thanks for posting the link. Annoying it didn’t post.

I’d like to see someone pick up the threads for the Marshall case. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must have been to know that many KKK members were STILL on the force after you sued. 

I feel like this list should continue back to the 1987 Firebombing of the Marshall family where the LMPD refused to give the names of active members of the KKK who were working in the LMPD at the time.

Link to court case.

There is SO little information about this online.

This feels like as good a place as any to remind the internet of the Firebombing in 1987 of the Marshall family in Sylvania, KY (a suburb of Louisville).

The court case details numerous active members of the KKK in the LMPD at the time.

There is a

Paul Muad’Dib wasn’t just prescient. He was eerily prescient.

Every GOP commenter ever.
Look at this one comment section!”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m pissed, too. But I hate that the Right will just point to bloodthirsty comments like these and “bOtH SiDeS” the Left.

Good conversation and glad to see it happen in the context of Lovecraft Country where a shit-ton of good work was already being done.

Thanks for the article

The demo has a lot of promise, but I’ll wait for reviews to buy.

Demo was a lot of fun, tho. 

The demo has a lot of promise, but I’ll wait for reviews to buy.

Demo was a lot of fun, tho. 

I love that I can clearly see Carl doing this in my head.

Shake would be standing outside Carl’s bathroom window like, “Carl! I can hear the water running in there. Carl! I have a problem, I mean we have a problem old buddy. I need you for five minutes. Five Minutes, Carl! A problem, and an opportunity. You can make

We just watched a couple thousand people LARP as revolutionaries. five people got killed, and a number of elected officials are pretending like it’s just normal stuff, so I think we can dial back our expectations for critical thinking just a bit.

Hell. I’m only just entering my 30s and I am excited by touchscreens. 

This will likely get buried.

I would love for a triple A game to have space for the experience of transitioning, and not merely the existing aspect of Trans experience.

Like, you’ve got polyjuice potions already in the lore.

It’s a topic that could end up in fetishistic-inclusion-or-nah land, though.

Just using a male

After reading the other comments here, I think I’ll be the odd person out.

I still love D3.

My partner and I have spent almost 2k hours playing d3 on different consoles. We recently lost about 1k hours of progression to a console error (Sonyyyyy!) but then we just kind of shrugged it off and started up again during