Admiral Asskicker

This is pretty typical for work-for-hire projects, especially with licensed games. Independent studios need to take whatever projects they can get just to stay afloat. They’re competing with other studios, so they have the best chances of winning the contract by overpromising with their proposed scope, budget and

You don’t know anything about game development or working in general. Incredibly delusional post. Go experience some reality.

It’s a lazy copy grab article that's being copy pasted all over.

For a limited-production performance car like the Nismo Z, it can take a very, very long time before that dealer gets another allocation for one, so they want to hold onto it for as long as humanly possible. Eventually they will remove (most of) the markup and sell it when they know they have another one coming in.

slideshow?  If you shrink your screen down, it will remove the slideshow factor.  I’ve had to start doing this more, because the next button take multiple clicks before it clicks now.  

I haven’t been in a Best Buy in at least ten years, I used to go in there to check out something and then buy it online, I don’t even do that anymore. Best Buy is dead to me. Taylor Swift had nothing to do with this.

He probably still needs him to sign the ABK timesheets in the ABK system for a coupla months.

In the beginning it was mostly absurdist humor.

Would be nice if we could actually see anything, instead of watching a full-screen video inside a vertical video inside a reduced-sized TikTok embed.

The kind of crazy that has no problem depositing a nice big check every other week, plus perks and bonuses.

It’s the same reason some folks say that football isn’t tough like it used to be and that modern athletes are pansies.

It’s the same reason people love cold-weather football games, marathons, or stuff like the MJ “flu game”: we love to see people approach super-human feats.

I feel far too old to participate in such things, but I admit that I can’t resist. The simplest answer is, yes I would. I would say the same for a handful of other despicable people like Boebert or Ivanka. I’m not proud of this. I thought I’d be less driven by sex at 40 than I was at 15, but that is sadly not the

LOL Uvalde, Texas says Hi!

They are not powerless, they’re throwing a collective temper tantrum because they can’t get away with shooting Black people for no reason anymore, and because they’re increasingly being banned from taking “bulletproof warrior” classes that train them to shoot anything they want to and then say they were scared to get

If he was in Texas, he’d be the one driving the F350.

Imagine not remembering that this was the way it used to be.  No one went shopping at the airport then, they wont do it now.  It just means that people who are stuck at the airport have to suffer less.  If means you can meet people during layovers for lunch or shopping.

If Oblivion really does get remastered I’m fucking done for a while. 

Sure, but like any other Quantic Dream game, you have to temper how neat this sounds with how absolutely stupid it will be in reality.