
Even at the pretty safe strawberries field

Which after the extensive work Buddy did on understanding Gem architecture, met nothing but a dusty book that may not be even cataloged at his own library instead of jumpstarting an archaeology study

Maybe if she wasn't made on earth, and went to other alien planets, that novelty would be old fast

You mean the people that's are the point of Rose's philosophy and Pearl's freedom?

Hoping for Lapis and Peridot as a couple, also just because I notice flaws, doesn't mean I don't enjoy parts of the show.

Oh I more lenient that most internet critic, look ul this jerk Confused Matthew if you want shallow biased reviews.

I still enjoy parts of the show, but deconstructing narrative is very fun to me, I been watching movies reviews since and RLM deconstruction of Star Wars prequels

I like to compare narratives, helps me how some narrative structure are better than others with a poor example, it may not be fair, but's an easy shorthand to explain my viewpoints

The Gems seem to be way slower interracting with human culture unlike Star Butterfly

It seem to me the show was too lazy to get a new voice actor

I just added 4 periods

When Simpsons started to be crap was that Frank Grimes episode deconstructing the show

The show does kinda have a naive concept that humans are special snowflakes to the universe, as if other space aliens are not as petty, shallow, greedy, and destructive as humans

But so far Steven Universe Earth's setting is very unexplored, so I don't know why Rose think Earth is that great, what is so great Earth, wouldn't the gems come across another alien planet with it's species having free will, what makes human that special in the grand cosmic sense to the gems, as Men in Black and Rick

Maybe there were some mild hints, but I think there could have been more information on Gem/Earth history

I hope for references of more Dustin Hoffman movies :p

You said Earth, I assume you also mean humans, also cultural relationships are part of narrative world building

I sure some humans would have tried, which would have more corpse in the background

So they expect Buddy to die, I mean they would have at the water temple

Fixed, now stay on topic