
Just discussing and relating with your opinion on the lack of world building with the humans and Earth

Maybe, but I suspect the season finale would be Star getting her American citizenship, and leaving Mewni stagnated stifling monarchy, or like Vannelope starts a new democratic Mewni government unlike my now crumbling theory of Rose helping America

I'm quite ok with a fast paced movie, or a wackier tv show, it's not important to me why the Death star is not covering it's weak point to me, thematically it's great for an emotional and character payoff for Luke

It seem to me it's less about how amazing Human free will is to strict class based feudal aliens, but more of Rose's cultural appropriation

Uggh I guess mixing religion would make the world building even more insane and confusing to me, eh maybe I don't need that explained

At least it's a little better than JJ mystery box gimmick

For what, Gem history and culture is still largely unknown by the human populace

I would live at the strawberry fields, free food

What about the holo cleric and chapel on one of the holoroom episode?

Yet Steven had a chapel and a cleric on that book holo room episode

So Rose did made the Earth more fertile

Nope Rose and Garnet were totally cool with, and Buddy would have explained to people it's safe enough to visit

Mostly I just like deconstructing narrative, I have a film diploma and study screenwriting

People died from other dangerous resource gatherings, like oil

New theory Earth's human population has been severely depopulated by the gem wars. My theory on Native Americans genocide has expanded because of the European Strawberry fields. The show showcase plenty of plains and undeveloped areas across America, if the Strawberry fields were not cultivated by farmers, means

I thought the show kinda broke the fourth wall to encourage reading

Why isn't the Strawberry fields a farming town?

An episode about human gem relationship history that was …. quite disappointing to me.

It's reasonable to think there won't be that many full makeout sessions on this show, this guy should just write fanfic like the rest of the fans