Adele Quested

My only problem is with the timing.

Beric might be used to reintroduce the Brotherhood-without-Banners at a convenient point in the narrative, and save the Lady-Stoneheart reveal for the last episode.

He hasn't yet had his "Lancel, and Kettleblack and moonboy, for all I know"-moment on the show. (BookJaime's turn against Cersei so far seems mainly motivated by jealousy rather than any particular insight into how toxic she is. He's becoming more aware of her flaws, but as long as he thinks her faithful, he's willing

Nah. I think he'd do her the honor of at least doing it himself. I know "The man who speaks the sentence swings the sword" is a Stark-kinda-thing, but I'd assume Jaime Lannister is also not one for shirking the dirty work.

And she might have been resurrected since then, only kept a lower profile than she did in the books.

Oathkeeper - the sword's called Oathkeeper. But Oathkeeper killing Oathbreaker has a certain ring to it.

But the book surely has a better plot for her, since plausibly, she would just be killed by some Lannister bannerman afterwards. And if the book has a better plot, the show will probably try to get back to it eventually.

Maybe in the show, they found her more quickly, so that Thoros' usual trick worked well enough. Or maybe they just leave out the rule that resurrection only works for fresh corpses on the show.

The face on the Wall was clearly the Waif's.

Patience. I don't think Brienne will make it back to Winterfell in time for that Battle.

You didn't really expect her to assume leadership in battle, did you? Getting an army for Jon was all she can do, getting an army for Jon is what she did. Whether it's a loss of agency or not remains to be seen. Getting people to fight with you is one thing, getting them not to turn against you once the common enemy

You mean like Jon lost his agency when he got saved by Stannis?

Yeah, he was talking about ships for Dany. Much easier to find in Dorne then in the North, I'd assume.

Blackfish doesn't entirely trust Brienne, with her Lannister connections. I think the speech about "not running again" was a ruse. Would bet money he's still in the game.

She could still get her book plot - force Brienne to lead Jaime into a trap, so she can take revenge. It's good drama, and thematically interesting, because it puts Brienne in a situation where she has to do something she truly loathes to keep an oath (although in the book, she probably does it mostly to save Pod).

But Jenny Slate was married. He's a homewrecker!

But genres are. (Or are at least treated as such, when it comes to awarding prestige to the writers.)

Everyone needs their adolescent escapist wishfulfilment. Girls get theirs from YA, boys get it from pretty much the entire rest of mainstream entertainment.

Well, I'd hate to argue the logic of lineages, but my assumption was Jon (presumably) got his blood from Ned, not from Rob, and it only starts counting with the next generation, eg. Rob's kid.

Good question. I was just going to add that even though I've been slagging the Faith so much just now, as a Westerosi commoner I certainly wouldn't jump ship for Rhollor either, in spite of his followers apparently being more egalitarian. (Not just on paper - red priestesses are accorded just as much power and