Adele Quested

Yeah, if there's something G.R.R.M is really really good at, it's paying off the forshadowing. And there's clearly a shitload of it there already, mined over decades by dedicated fans, some of which is bound to come to fruition. (Pretty sure R+L=J is going to be confirmed, for instance, which alone will make some

For what it's worth, I actually liked that one anyway. How they managed to make you care about Birgitte Sorenson'sn wildling leader over the span of a single episode to make her death truly matter was a masterclass in audience' sympathy direction and, well, actual narrative economy. But it was pretty much the only

Last season of Game of Thrones was not necessarily the one where I decided to stop watching (although it's no longer must-see TV; still probably get round to watching at least the ending eventually; gotta see if some of those fantheories work out), but it's certainly the one where I stopped defending the series.

My problem with the feature is that the people interviewed really often choose songs I hate, yet they're such assholes about it, that they make me feel insecure about hating that song and then I have to reconsider my contempt and who wants that? (But the truth is that contempt is hardly a good look on anyone and

Yeah, there can be something off-puttingly performative about excessive self-loathing.

Shall you part your hair behind? Do you dare to eat a peach?
I suggest wearing white flannel trousers and walking upon the beach.
Who knows, you might even hear the mermaids singing each to each!

That's very noble of you, but I'd like to second inamine and roswulf that you can probably accomplish this in a somewhat less dramatic fashion, by just sending an e-mail with relevant screen-shots. Of course boyfriend will probably claim you were doctoring them in some manner, because it's not that hard to suspect you

Giving up on what? Love, or life in general? I'm actually quite in favour on giving up on various things (tends to free ressources for trying other things), not so much in favour of suicide. People are missed, whether they can believe that or not.

Didn't even know he was in that, but glad to hear it! Might give it a try.

You are a kinder soul than I am. Or maybe it's just that my perception of the qualitiy of his later movies has rubbed off on my perception of his beauty. It's hard to be unbiased with these things.

I would like to say this movie was a formative influence, but what I took away from it mostly was a crush on Christian Slater (feeling kinda mournful about his lost loveliness today). Still, I think it's so much better than this kind of thing needs to be, and something like that always delights me.

Came here to say just this; now I can just upvote. Not that I'd mind a bit of redundancy - we get loads of square-jawed super-heroes; we can stomach a couple more awesome Victorian ladies. But Eva Green's going to be a tough act to follow.

He's been saying the thing about the bittersweet ending for a long time; he told the showrunners the big strokes of the ending and they always said they would stick to the rough outline.

Ha, gluttony is my favourite vice as well. I will totally eat that last slice of cake, and I might even ask you first if you want to share, but I know perfectly well you're going to decline out of mere politeness, and I will eat_it_all_alone_ anway and not feel the slightest bit bad about it, muhahaha!

Hugs. (For what it's worth, I know my parents, though certainly more financially viable than me, didn't necessarily get to do anything they could do either. Eg. my dad has always been very politically active, but he never got beyond the most local level, and while I suspect he's sometimes a bit wistful when he sees

See that's hard for me to grasp, because I'll have to go out of my way to not be selfish for once. So I'll take your word for it. But I'm faking other things. Really, I think most of us are just pretending in some sense or another, making it up as we go. There's a certain notion of universal human nature that

I didn't watch the movie but my takeaway from the review was not that the problem with it is a lack of romance. On the contrary, it seems to me like the romance was the only thing that was working at least temporarily in the movie - which isn't enough, since the romance was never the point of the book. Instead, it's

Sometimes your brain might sabotage you for a reason. Not feeling ready to risk your heart in a new relationship some months after a rough break up seems fairly reasonable to me. Maybe you just need a bit more time.

Uninhibitedly neurotic in the follow-up…is there something you you should apologize for? What would be the worst case scenario if you just did that?

I also suspect that Marthin Luther King might have been less effective without the threat of Malcolm X. Kind of a good cop/bad cop set up. "Look, you can talk out things with me, or you'll have to deal with him." Any kind of activism really needs both.